Map doesn't update on Android Auto when phone display is off on Xiaomi Poco F3

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Manfred Winter

I'm running ABRP 4.2.3 (905) on a Poco F3 with Android 12. Since my phone updated to Android 12 the screen has to remain on with ABRP running or the map doesn't update on Android Auto.


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Johann Kremser

I can Open Abrp in AA and also select a route. But the Route will Not be opened on the Screen, only "calculating the Route" ist displayed Form ever.



Merged with: Abrp Not working Wirth BMW Android auto



Status changed to: Done




we just released a new version 4.2.12, which now support Xiaomi devices when the phone screen is off. There however is still one problem left, which is a different issue, that the app does not automatically start on some phones, when the screen is off, so if you experience that, please shortly start the phone and the ABRP app. Once done you can turn off the screen again. We are working on a solution for that too in a seperate issue:

If after 4.2.12 you still experience issues, except the one i mentioned here, please open a new issue, as it is most likely something else.

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I can confirm this is now working as described on my Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra. Thanks!



Has there been any update on this? It defeats the purpose of getting the premium subscription. I have a Xiaomi Mi 10 ultra and am facing this problem


Brian Green

Samsung S20 5G on Android 12. I let my ABRP premium lapse though because it wasn't working.



This is a Xiaomi issue, for Samsung please open a seperate one as it is most likely something else



Mapbox has a fix available in an early test version that we want to try. I will build an internal test version with that, but it might not be as stable as the release version (which in your case doesn't make much of a difference anyways). If there is anyone that wants to test this please let me know. I need 2-3 people maybe with different phones so please reply below this post with your phone name so we can run some tests with you.

  • U

Marcel Rockstroh (RockyBaby)

Redmi Note 11 Pro+ with Android 12



Great news, I'd be happy to help. Xiaomi Mi11 Ultra


Alexander Bachert

Xiaomi Poco F3, MIUI 13.0.7, Android 12.


alan Stone

I'm going on a 500 plus round trip on Monday. I can test it


Agustín Oliet Palá

Xiaomi 12 Android 12


Christian Hollbjär

I could test if the test doesn't need Premium, i canceled that when i didn't work. Xiaomi P12 Pro.



Thanks that should be enough for now. To Test with AA you need premium. I'll send you a mail once everything is in place, could take a few more days though.


Brian Green

Samsung Galaxy S20 5G on Android12



Samsung Galaxy should not be affected by this issue, are you sure you are talking about the same issue? Please check my response to Nemeciii below.


Brian Green

While I can't be certain the symptoms are the same as described here (2) on your list. My initial report was merged with this one.
When my phone screen screen is off the AA map stops moving.
Samsung S20 5G on Android OS 12



Ah that was because there was no information on the phone or app version and as the Samsung issue should be fixed by now we assumed it is the Xiaomi issue. Please try latest version and if it still does not work please open a new issue and provide information on phone and app version too.


Alexander Bachert

So, I tested Plasma Ember 4.2.12 on my daily drive this morning and a couple of minutes ago.
AA works fine when ABRP is not in foreground or the screen is locked.
But I have to start ABRP on the phone simultaneously so the AA part can find the location and calculates the route.
Otherwise I will get an endlessly spinning calculating circle.
After that everything works fine so far and I can use evnotify on my phone as I got to know it at the beginning.



Please try the workaround for starting AA we used for the Pixel phones, maybe we need that additionally in combination with the map update. Long click the app icon in Android, click app info, scroll down to advanced section and activate the toggle button "overlay on other apps". On the Pixel phones this helps to start the app also from AA only.


Alexander Bachert

Done and will be checked tomorrow 👍


Alexander Bachert

Tried the workaround but it did not help.
Had to start Plasma Ember with the AA part so that the location was zoomed in and the route could be calculated.



Did you disable battery optimization?


Alexander Bachert

Yes sir, was the first thing AA wanted of me when starting Plasma Ember. And also granted Autostart.



This is weird, as it seemed to work for the others that reported back so far (but maybe the app was active before?). We also have a Poco F3 and will check again.


Alexander Bachert

I disabled battery optimization, granted autostart and overlay rights und fixed the app in recent apps (little lock symbol).
Nothing worked to solve the problem that I had to start the app on my phone at least a few moments before on AA.

Definitely a weird problem.
But anything else would be boring, right? :D



Well at least you don't have to keep the screen on anymore once it started. We will work on the other problem that also appears on some pixel phones soon too.


Alexander Bachert

That is a little problem I surely can live with.
The bigger problem is solved as you mentioned 👍



Android Auto map is stationary and doesn't move unless the ABRP app is open on the phone.

OnePlus 10 Pro 5G
Android 12 July security update
ABRP 4.20.10 (1065)



Hi Nemeciii,

so far we did not hat any other phones than Xiaomi that are affected by this issue. Are you sure it is the same issue?

So there are actually two issues that are similiar:
1) ABRP on AA does not do anything if phone screen is off, just shows the map but nothing works except moving the map
2) Map does not move when phone is off, but everything else like instructions and so on still works
3) On some phones the background GPS did not work, which results in a similiar behaviour as described in 1) but so far this was only seen on Samsung devices

1) is abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/bug-or-feature-android-auto/
2) is this issue
3) should be fixed in latest version (4.2.11 as of now)

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Ok. I have to check with the new version.



Merged with: Android Auto map doesn't update


Brian Green

ABRP on Android Auto is broken. Unless the phone screen is on AND abrp app open the map doesn't move. Routing is also broken as it doesn't give directions either.
The only way to make ABRP app work is to have it open on the phone as well. This heats the phone tremendously.


André Raimundo

The version 4.2.9 doesn't work on my skoda enyaq IV. The map doesn't move on the 4.2.9 and on 4.2.10 the map moves, but the car o on desapears at the edge of the map after a while. The only version that works is the 4.2.8. My Phone is a Poco X3 PRO, with MIUI 12, based on Android 11.



Merged with: ABRP 4.2.9 and 4.2.10 doesn't work on skoda Enyaq IV



Merged with: My phone freezes when I turn off the screen.


Agustín Oliet Palá

My phone freezes when I turn off the screen. I cannot assess premium to decide whether or not to pay for the subscription if this problem is not resolved. Carrying the screen on and the app open on the mobile on long trips is not an option


Mi movil se congela al apagar la pantalla. No puedo valorar premium para decidir pagar o no la subscripción si no se resuelve este problema. Llevar la pantalla encendida y la app abierta en el móvil en viajes largos no es una opcion


Marcel Rockstroh

I have the same issue phone is Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G with Android 12 and ABRP version 4.2.9

when phone is locked abrp is not working when the app is open on the screen then abrp is operational



Hi, which phone do you use? And which ABRP version? You can check that at the bottom of settings.


Marcel Rockstroh

I give this a bump today my answer is added above


Mexin Kemali

Same issue
Pixel 6 Pro
Android 12



Pixel 6 is a different issue, check here:



So what can I do now for a workaround?





The navigation freezes every couple of minutes in the car display




can you please provide more information? Which phone and android version do you use? Which ABRP version?



App version: 4.2.9
Platform: android
User ID: 33635



Xiaomi mi 10



Skoda Enyaq iv 80 Version 0795



Thanks for the information. Unfortunately for Xiaomi there is a problem with the map renderer when the screen is turned off. Unfortunately there is no solution for this yet, but as a workaround you could leave the phone screen on and then it should work properly. Will merge with the existing issue.


alan Stone

Start the app before plugging in. Opens on car screen. Enter destination, route plan is ok, screen shows live SOC ok. But when I drive the map is stationary. If I change app on the screen and go back to ABRP it updates at that point but then remains stationary.
One of the reasons for my subscription is to have it on the car screen so I don't need things stuck to my windscreen



Merged with: AA not working



Hi, which phone do you have?


alan Stone

Xiaomi mi11pro. It has worked fine until recently.



That's unfortunately an issue in our map renderer library we use. Merged your report with the others. The bug report on mapbox is linked in here too.



Most likely related to: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/map-doesnt-update-on-android-auto-when-phone-display-is-off/

User has been provided instructions via email.


Agustín Oliet Palá

Utilizo Xiaomi 12 con android auto



Hi Agustin
Can you tell which Smartphone do you use?
Is it connected to CarPlay or Android Auto?


Agustín Oliet Palá

Hi, my evaluation is about to expire, but I don't have answer about this questions


Agustín Oliet Palá

Any answer?



Maybe @Samuel_ARBP can answer your question for Android Auto.

I myself use iPhone with CarPlay and I saw a similar behavior.



Hi, which phone do you have?


Johann Kremser

Phone ist a Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 pro



Then you have most likely the same problem as here:

And here:

For the second one there is a workaround described in that issue, please check if that helps. The first one still needs to be investigated by mapbox.


An Do

Is it possible to implement the "always" option for location in your app as well? Attached a screenshot of location settings from ABRP and Garmin Connect for comparison.

I think this will fix the GPS issue in background if the phone screen is off.


On Android 10 (API level 29) and higher, you must declare the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest in order to request background location access at runtime. On earlier versions of Android, when your app receives foreground location access, it automatically receives background location access as well.

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Hi, when the screen is off, nothing is done in ABRP anyways, so no need to get background location. What is your issue you see so you think we need this permission?


An Do

It is in relation to Android Auto. I use wired connection and as soon as I put the phone down and screen is off the GPS is off as well and the location of my car in AA stays fixed with no more updates.

If I understand correctly AA gets GPS fix from the phone. I use Android 12 on a Pocofone F3.



That's unfortunately a different issue:


An Do

Does it change if I use another map in the app? Currently I've selected "standard" - does standard correspond to mapbox?



Android Auto always uses mapbox. The only workaround right now is to leave the screen on.

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An Do

Google Maps navigation on AA works just fine, even with phone screen off.
Are they using another map renderer then?
Thanks for your help 😃



Yes they use the google maps renderer which is not available in AA for public use.

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An Do

Samuel, if mapbox fixes this "stale puck" issue, how does it end up in ABRP? Library update and you then integrate it in your next release? Or does it come through AA? Cheers,



We need a new release with the fixed mapbox SDK version.

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Christian Hollbjär

When I turn off my screen on my Xiaomi 12 pro the Android Auto stops updating. So to be able to use the Android Auto i need to have the screen on all the time on the phone.



Merged with: Android Auto with phone screen off.



We did some more tests and it seems to be an issue with the map renderer we use. They have a sample app that we tried, and it behaves exactly the same as our app. So we opened an issue at their bug tracker to ask for guidance. If you want to watch progress you can subscribe here:

  • U


Hi, just wanted to let you know we started looking into this and can reproduce the behavior. No solution available yet though. But we are working on it.

  • C


Status changed to: In progress



Merged with: Map doesn’t center to car, or follow car when driving



Merged with: Android Auto map freezes



When using Android Auto, very often (but not always) the map does not move after its first display.

After starting navigation, the map shows the car position and the planned route on the map. But when driving, the map stands still, and the car position indicator does not move either.

The car position indicator is always showing northbound, regardless of the direction where I drive or where the route goes to.

Sometimes the blue line for the planned route is also missing, but most of the time it is visible.

When I change to a different screen (e.g. the Android music player) and then return to the ABRP map, the map refreshes, but then freezes again with the same symptoms.

I can move the map manually though.

This happens both with a wired and a wireless AA connection.

* Xiaomi Mi 11 pro
* Android 12
* Skoda Enyaq



Status changed to: Investigate



Status changed to: User Feedback



Hi, so even when the app is running and you switch off the display, it stops updating the map?



Can you please check if it helps to set the battery optimizations to unrestricted or turn them off?


Manfred Winter

Yes, if the app is running but the display is off the map freezes. There's also no difference between wired and wireless connection (with AAWireless). Battery optimization is set to unrestricted.
I guess it's problem with Android 12 as it worked before.



We are currently running an experiment to try a different logic for those devices affected on Android 12. We have some other similar issues that are most likely related. If you want to join that experiment to help us testing different devices send me a mail to samuel@iternio.com with your Google account mail so I can add you to the internal test version at the play store.


Manfred Winter

I've send you a mail. TIA


Carsten Walter

Tried it with Android 10. Same behavior


Stefan Bäckman

Hi, I just want to pitch in that I had a similair behaviour with a OnePlus 9 phone. I returned my phone because of this.
When I connected the OnePlus 9 phone to the car it worked fine for about a minute. After that it started to act strange. Found out the problem started when the screen locked. Pressing/clicking buttons in Android Auto interface stopped working, not just buttons in AA apps but also the AA menu circle and so on. The AA interface more or less frooze. However, pinch to zoom and moving the map around with two fingers worked. The funny thing is that I have the same car as Juwi, a Skoda Enyaq. I blamed the phone, not the app because it was affecting all of Android Auto. I also suspect the Skoda Enyaq implementation of Android Auto. I've had several other problems with AA in this car but not other cars.
Maybe this information can help you understand the problem.

  • U


Sometimes the AA user interface is a bit laggy, i.e. I press the AA menu circle like you did, and it takes 10 seconds or so to respond. But eventually it works.
It is possible that the Enyaq implementation is faulty, but on the other hand I have problems using other navigation apps with it.


Stefan Bäckman

Yes, the interface is generally quite laggy and I hope this will get resolved in the 3.0 update this summer. But that is a different problem and does not belong here.
The "click" problem was something else. It was very clear that the problem was due to the combination phone/AA/car. As soon as I unlocked the phone it was normal again. It stopped registering "klicks" completely.



OK, yesterday I did a few more tests, and I think I have come much closer to when this happens!
The car position marker moves only when I have the app open on the phone AND the phone is unlocked.
As soon as I either change the app (or press the home button) or when I lock the phone, it stops updating the car marker.
I could reproduse it reliably a number of times.
I have also pressed the bug button, but unfortunately I can only press it only when the app is open, and this is exactly when it does work. But maybe the report helps anyway.



Good information. Could be related to background GPS restrictions on Xiaomi then. On another app i wrote i noticed problems like that and people had to
- switch off battery saver option for the app
- allow background GPS to be always on

Unfortunately we do not have the second option in the app right now. I think we already ask users to switch off battery saver options for ABRP (did you do that?), but i guess we need to check the second option for background GPS as well.



Please follow the guide here for auto start and battery saver options and restrictions under the point MIUI12:

If that helps, we have to add configuration of that when setting up the app for the first time.



I had all these settings activated before, except for performance mode. But activating did not help either, it only drained the battery like hell.
I still do not believe in GPS restrictions, as I said, it updates the navigation instructions all the time. Also, when I am back home, I see recordings of the entire trip route, even when the position froze all the time.



I don't think we need performance mode. Did you have the chance to make a video of the behaviour so we might understand better what happens?



Hi Juwi,

You say you can manually move the map, but it does not update the car position. So the map is not frozen, but the car position does not update. Is that correct? And this is not related to the other issue where you have to start the phone app first, as it updates when you change to another app and then back to ABRP.

The ABRP app shows the correct data on the app if you keep it active while driving?

So how does it behave when you plan a route? Does it show the preview and if it shows the preview does it also show the route? Can you maybe post a video of that behavior? You can upload it to your Google drive share and share a link here or send me a mail to samuel@iternio.com or upload it to YouTube as private video.



If the car position is not updated correctly, it could be related to invalid gps location from telemetry. Normally this should not happen, but we have a workaround for that on the car settings. Please go to settings, click the gear icon behind the car and scroll down to settings and enable the toggle button "override car position", it will then ignore telemetry location data. Not entirely sure though, if this is the case here based on your description, but worth a try.



Hi Samuel,
> So the map is not frozen, but the car position does not update. Is that correct?
Yes, that is correct. Although in previous versions I also had the effect that the car position moved, but the map didn't, so the position marker slowly went out of the screen.
> So how does it behave when you plan a route? Does it show the preview and if it shows the preview does it also show the route?
Actually I am not sure. I need to test it. Making a video is not easy, because I can't do it while driving, Maybe I can record the start and then stop after some driving to record its behaviour then.



No, this is not related to GPS, because all navigation hints (such as turn left in 200 m) work fine and are as exact as it gets with any navigation system.



It is really hard to imagine what happens here. Does this also happen, when no navigation is active at all? The map should always follow the car icon in non navigation mode.

So to sum up:
- instructions update correctly
- car icon moves out of map
- map stays at initial position

So drawing of the map, loading tiles and everything works correctly, it just does not follow the car icon, right?

I'll add the tester role to your account, you should see a bug button. If this happens, please drive a few meters and then click on the bug icon and report as type other or whatever you think is appropriate. I will then have a look at the transmitted driving data, maybe that provides some insights.

  • U


Yes, sum up is correct, except that the "car icon moves out of map" happened several times some weeks ago, but I haven't seen it recently.
I will do as you propose, and also try to record a video.



BTW when checking your car configuration to check if there is anything suspicious related to this issue i noticed, that you connected multiple OBD dongles to one car. If you experience connection issues, you should unlink OBD telemetry, this should remove all the entries, and link the right dongle again. Not totally related to this issue, just wanted to let you know. So if you noticed, that it takes some time to connect, this could be the reason, as it tries to connect to all of the dongles until it finds one, that establishes a connection.

Also added a task on our side, to avoid this in future.

  • U


OK, unlink OBD telemetry, is this the button "unlink_live_data" ("Live-Daten entkoppeln" in German)?
I struggled a lot to get the connection somewhat stable. so I hope I don't destroy anything ...



Yes that is correct. If you unlink, all old OBD dongle IDs should be removed and then you can set it up again. Let me know when you've done it, then i check if it worked.



I believe it connects to the OBD quicker now, many thanks! But it had no effect on the position freeze problem.


Alexander Bachert

Hi Samuel,

I did some testing myself the last couple of days and that are the things I experienced:
- ABRP works fine when the app is in the foreground and the phone screen is unlocked
- ABRP stops displaying the correct vehicle marker position AND charging station pins when either the phone screen is locked or ABRP moves to background by changing to the homescreen or another app, but keeps correctly updating all navigation hints as mentioned before
- I use a Xiaomi Poco F3 with Android 12/MIUI 13, the latest version of ABRP and granted all privileges like permissions or battery optimization
- I tried ABRP 4.2.0 on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium with Android 9 and it worked when not in foreground, but after updating to ABRP version 4.2.5 I got the same issues as on my Xiaomi; but this needs further testing to be sure, the phone is performance-wise not quite up to the task

I hope this helps a bit.



We already could reproduce this with a Poco F3 and are in contact with mapbox, as we can reproduce the same on their sample app: