Android Auto only works when starting the app on phone


The current SOC and the "arrow" of the car is not displayed in the current beta without active navigation.

I liked the old display because you could immediately see that the phone is connected to the obd dongle.

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An Do

Is it possible to implement the "always" option for location in your app as well? Attached a screenshot of location settings from ABRP and Garmin Connect for comparison.

I think this will fix the GPS issue in background if the phone screen is off.


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An Do


On Android 10 (API level 29) and higher, you must declare the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest in order to request background location access at runtime. On earlier versions of Android, when your app receives foreground location access, it automatically receives background location access as well.




ShadoKing CT

It seems that I need to start the app from my phone for it to properly work on Android Auto, event though it comes up on the screen by default. Vehicle connection, search, and navigation don't function and sits there loading with a backend loading message.



Please use the workaround with the toggle mentioned below for now.



Same issue for me, but if i enable that toggle my phone runs really hot and eventually becomes unresponsive.



4.2.6 will be available soon, that will improve the heat up issues a bit. That toggle is still required for now though.



Hi, which phone do you have? We saw some problems with newer Pixel phones and on Xiaomi for example and there is a workaround (at least for Pixels) for now. Long click the ABRP icon, click app info and scroll down to advanced settings. There is a toggle button called "overlay on other apps" or similiar. Please enable that and check if that improves the situation for you.



Merged with: Starting ABRP from Android Auto head unit fails


Kristinn B. Gylfason

In ABRP v 4.2.3 (905), if I start ABRP from the Android Auto head unit, it launches but is non-functional until I start ABRP on my phone as well. For example, when trying to start navigation on the head unit ABRP displays the message "calculating route" and then just hangs. One strange symptom of this bug is that all the text strings in the dialog boxes are in lower case when in this non-functional mode. If I then launch ABRP on my phone as well, everything works normally and text strings are capitalized (e.g. "Calculating route").
I am running Android 12 on a Pixel 4a.



We noticed as well that on some pixel phones the app does not start correctly and are currently working on a fix for this. As a workaround you can long click on the app icon in the app drawer, click on app info and scroll down to advanced section. There is a setting "overlay over other apps" which you can enable. Then it should work.


Kristinn B. Gylfason

Thanks. I can confirm that the workaround works for me.


Kristinn B. Gylfason

I have replicated this bug a few times already.



One of our devs can reproduce this issue and will start working on this. So please stay tuned for an update. In the meantime as workaround you can long click on the app icon in the app drawer, scroll down to the advanced section and there you will find a setting similiar to "overlay over other apps". If you toggle that to enabled, it should also work by starting from AA without starting the app before. This workaround should be used until we provide an update. Sorry for the inconvenience.



I mentioned it earlier somewhere: Enabling this setting had no effect on my phone.
But good to hear it can be reporoduced!



I think your problem is a slightly different one. But we can check if the fix for the pixel phones also fixes your Xiaomi. Xiamo has some restrictions that other phones do not have, so it could be related to that. We will try to fix the issue we saw on the Pixel first and then check if that also fixes your issue. At least on the few Pixels where we saw the problem people confirmed, that the flag solves the issue.



Why has this topic: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/map-freezes-using-android-auto/ been merged into this one? To me, these are different issues.



You wrote it works when you start the app manually, so that sounds like the same issue.



No, this must have been a misunderstanding; there was one case when starting the app helped with the map freeze, but I could not reproduce it because it never again happened that I could use the AA app without manually starting it.

Usually I have both issues: The AA screen is ususally completely unusable until I manually start the app; if I have manually started the app, it is basically usable, but the map freezes most of the time. Both are different things.

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Sorry my bad. The part with the app starting is definitely this one, the freezing map is another one then. Unfortunately i can not revert the merge, so can you please open another one for the map freeze? Please also discribe exactly how the map freeze looks like, for example if it's just the position that is stuck or if you can still move the map with touch events and so on.



No worries, this happens. I have recreated the report with a verdict of my observations here: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/android-auto-map-freezes/



Why has this topic: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/map-freezes-using-android-auto/ been merged into this one? To me, these are different issues.



Merged with: Map freezes using Android Auto



Actually, I am experiencing the same issue that had already been reported here and claimed to be fixed: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/the-map-remains-at-the-starting-point-during-the-journey/
Maybe that there is a different root cause, but the symptoms are the same. This is happening for months and has not been fixed in 4.2.0 for my situation. (Skoda Enyaq)




we just got another person which seems to have a similiar error, so we want to find similarities.

Can you please list
- phone model
- android version
- AA connection (cable or wireless)




Google Pixel 4a
Android 12
Cable Connection

When connected with AA the Abrp UI is also laggy.



The laggy UI issue should already be resolved with release 4.2.0, it requires downloading the patches initially first though, so might only be visible after a restart of the app (version 4.2.0 (875) should be shown):

Ok, so far the issue was seen on Pixel 4a and Pixel 5 only. We will investigate this further, but it seems hard to track down.

Please send me a mail to samuel@iternio.com with your google account mail, so we can add you to the internal test version in play store, so we can test possible fixes faster.


John Sunderland

Hi, I have the same issue.

Phone - Pixel 4a
Android 12, build number SP2A.220305.012
AA connection is wired.
Car, Renault Zoe R110 ZE40
OBD dongle: Veepeak BLE OBD
ABRP 4.2.0 (885)

Issue, if starting ABRP when AA already running, map displays but no icon for the car (arrow) or battery display on screen. Can manually scroll the map and tapping the screen brings up the three menus for route planning. Tapping these permits search / selection of destinations, but then just get a black box with spinning icon and 'calculating_route' message. Opening the app on the phone I can see the BLE dongle is connected in settings, and it appears that the route to the destination just entered on the car screen is being displayed on the phone screen only (still nothing in the car, with spinning icon remaining).

If the phone is disconnected from the car (stopping AA) a route can then be planned on the phone, including live data and navigation started. Reconnecting the phone to AA and opening ABRP on the car display then works, with all information, guidance and live battery status displayed. The route will also re-plan successfully if deviated from. On completion of a drive it is then again impossible to plan a new route (or change route mid navigation) without disconnecting the phone.


Stefan Bäckman

I have the same problem that GingerMonkey is describing. The only difference is that everything works okey as soon as I open the app on the phone. I get the car marker back and the OBD info pops up. I can also plan routes in the AA interface.
I have a Pixel 6 with latest update (Android 12, build SP2A.220405.004) running wireless AA. Running ABRP 892 (also with version 881).



Stefan, did you try the workaround with the toggle as described on top?


Stefan Bäckman

Yes, I briefly tried it on my way home from work yesterday. Did the following.
1. Toggle OFF, restart of phone, connect AA -> No car marker etc. Tried to plan a route in AA app. Not working, just spinning dots when trying to plan.
2. Overlay toggle ON, restart phone, connect AA -> Car marker was okey. ABRP worked as normal.
The overlay toggle does feel like a lucky workaround. Not as a solution to the problem.

Edit: Let me know if you need help in with anything during troubleshooting.



Hi Juwi,

we just got another person which seems to have a similiar error, so we want to find similarities.

Can you please list
- phone model
- android version
- AA connection (cable or wireless)




Xiaomi Mi 11 pro
Android 12
wireless connection



Did you check, if anything is different or works better, when you use a cable connection?



I can try that tomorrow.



I have tried a wired connection today and it did not have any effect.



This issue is still existing in the new non beta App.
If there is something i can test or help with, let me know.



We just released 4.2.0 release version. Please try again with that version. If this does not work again, we could try to analyze your issue a bit deeper.

  • U


Thanks! I just specifically took a short trip around the block, and the map moved fine (of course only after I manually started the phone app -- it still doesn't start automatically).
However, as this used to work once before, and then ceased to do so, I would like to test this on further trips. Might take a few days though, as I have no plans to go anywhere by car before Friday.



I had two trips today, and in the morning the map froze again. In the afternoon it worked fine. I have no idea why it sometimes works and sometimes not.

But I always have the issue that I need to start the app manually.



Status changed to: In progress



Status changed to: Done



Just took a small trip around the city centre to test it. It's a partial success.

First I just entered the car, selected a route and and started driving without touching the phone. I instantly noticed a big step forward when it comes to this issue: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/no-obd-update-with-android-auto-when-app-on-phone-is-not-kept-inactive/ The OBD was connected and the SoC displayed within less than a minute without starting the app on the phone. Also the route calculation started and worked without startung the app on the phone. Both didn't work in the last version! This is a big step forward.

But unfortunately the map freeze issue stayed. I tried it a few times. But then, eventually, I started the app on the phone - and instantly the map thawed and moved as I drove, just as it should. With the last version it didn't even move after I started the app.

So definitely huge improvments, but the final step remains to manage that the map moves even when I do not start the app.

Thanks, I was almost about to cancel my subscription because ABRP seemed to be unusable, but the recent development is very promising!



Unfortunately this turned out to only have been a lucky shot. I had a number of trips in the past days, and few times it worked, most of the time it did not. So it seems to me that there is no or only litlle progress.



Hi, we just released a new beta version. Could you please try if this improves the situation. Does it now work to start the app on AA without having the phone display active?



Yes. It works now. 😃
Even with starting and canceling the navigation.
Arrow and soc works.

I also like the new navigation with the way better map rotation.

More zoom while driving slow and it would be perfect.



Nice, thanks for feedback
Does it also work if you disable that setting i recommended?



It worked instantly - i left this option disabled :)
No need to tap that switch.



Very nice. Thanks for the feedback.



After a few drives the issue is back... Phone reboot helped.



Ok I'll leave this in progress for now, let me know if you have to reboot the phone more often or if this is a one time issue.



It happened again.
Now even a reboot could not fix this.
I activated the "overlay" option and reconnected the phone - nothing.

I had to open the app on the phone.



Hi, we just released a new beta version, which is available since tonight. Can you please check if that improves anything?

  • U


Last night or this night? Is this 4.2.0-beta3 (852)?



Yes that is the latest version.

  • U


I have tried yesterday with the settings you recommended, but to no avail. Map is still freezing. Please note that it's only the map with the car icon - the navigation box is constantly updated.



Thanks, but actually I prefer to stay with 4.2.0, as it provides a more stable OBD connection, and the issue reported here wasn't any better in previous versions.
I have activated the "display over other apps" setting (although it is on a completely different place on my phone) and will report here whether it helps.




4.2.0 is still beta, you can leave the beta in playstore when scrolling below the reviews of ABRP and then click "leave beta". Then you will get back to last release version after a few minutes (you need to downgrade once the system removed you from beta).

For now there is one other thing you could try before you downgrade:
Go to app settings of android by long clicking the ABRP app icon on the phone, click on app info, then scroll down to advanced, there is a setting called "overlay over other apps" or similiar, please enable that, and check if that improves the behaviour.



I also noticed yesterday using 4.2.0 with Android Auto that the entire SoC box did not appear in the beginning. But eventually it showed up. I will keep on watching when this occurs because it did not seem to be related to the navigation status.



Then you most likely have the same problem. Did you try to enable the overlay over other apps settings as proposed here?



I switched it on yesterday, but yet need to watch the behaviour after the change. Btw, this setting is at a completely different location on my phone.



Checked it today, and yes, the box did not appear for a while even though the setting was active.



Status changed to: User Feedback



Hi, we did not change anything there, but noticed, that there was a bug, that SoC is only shown if a plan was available. This has been fixed in the meanwhile and will be available in 4.2.0 (831). Please check if you can update again, it was released tonight.



I have installed the new update.
Nothing has changed.

I connect my phone to AA, tap ABRP and the map without SOC and the arrow for the car is displayed.
There is also no GPS recording.
And the bluetooth connection to the obd dongle is inactive.

Then when I start ABRP on my phone, the arrow and the correct Soc is displayed immediately.



Does this happen every time you connect to USB? Or only on first start after installation?

If it happens every time please try this:
Go to app settings of android by long clicking the ABRP app icon on the phone, click on app info, then scroll down to advanced, there is a setting called "overlay over other apps" or similiar, please enable that, and check if that improves the behaviour.



This happens every time. Only when I launch the app on the phone it works properly.
I will try again later with the overlay setting.



There is no such Option.
Pixel 4a



I think in German it might be "Über anderen Apps einblenden".



Oh sorry. I checked with the older Version.

Yes. Now this Menu exists.
I will Test this tomorrow.



It works!

Arrow and soc is nearly instantly shown.

So i planed a route, pressed start, waited a bit and press abort.
Then the Arrow disappeared.

Reconnecting fixed that.
Still, minor issue.



Ok i had that once as well. Normally it should work without that setting i told you to enable. Was a bit confusing when i observed it, but rebooting the phone solved it for me. Could you please try if it also works, when the settings is disabled again and you reboot the phone? If not just leave the setting enabled for now, we are currently working on improving this further, but might take a few days until next beta.



I have tried that. But without this option it doesn't work unless I open the app from my phone.

The arrow was also gone again after I planned, started and canceled a route.
So this was not a one time thing.

I'll leave the setting enabled for now.



Today I noticed something new.

The SOC and the arrow were displayed very quickly.
But it got stuck at "74%" - my SOC from yesterday.

This didn't change on the way to work.
I opened ABRP on my phone and it was extremely laggy.

I closed ABRP on my phone (hard close) and opened it again.
Now SOC was displayed correctly and the phone was no longer laggy.

Now I checked my route to work in ABRP history - SOC is displayed correctly all the way.

It seemed like the ABRP interface was frozen.