V4.7.3 Charger, Battery and Vehicle settings can no longer be used per car profile

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ABRP V4.7.3 (2592)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.3

Dear ABRP Team,

It can't be that rudimentary features of an app, such as remembering settings, stop working again and again.
They are repaired and after a few months they stop working again:
V4.3.0 abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/abrp-430-resets-various-settings-again-and-again/
V4.6.0 abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/battery-settings-not-working/
Please place more emphasis on testing with multiple vehicle profiles!

There are currently errors again with the settings for battery, charger and vehicle, which once again can no longer be used per car profile, but are currently made identical by the app for all vehicles. When switching to a different car profile, the app displays some values from the previous car profile, although these are values that were used as car specific values in older ABRP versions.

This affects the following settings that are not saved or loaded correctly anymore in V4.7.3:

Charger & Networks -> Minimum charger stalls
Battery -> Destination arrival SoC
Battery -> Charger arrival SoC
Battery -> Charger max SoC
Battery -> Charging overhead
Vehicle Settings -> Extra weight

How to reproduce the error?
- Change the value for vehicle A to x.
- Switch to vehicle B.
- Change the value for vehicle B to y.
- Switch back to vehicle A.
- Vehicle A now also has the value y of vehicle B.

As I have asked eight months before (abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/saved-car-switches-car-model-itself/) please make sure that new app versions are also tested with multiple car profiles!

Otherwise, I think the app is very good, I also support it by regularly reporting errors in the app here, but if you have to report the same error again and again, then it creates a certain annoyance.

Thank you for your understanding, hoping that future testing of new versions will place more emphasis on the use of multiple vehicle profiles.


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ABRP V4.7.4 (2603)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.3.1

I can confirm that the error is now fixed.
Thank you very much.

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Manually verifying the fix now before we push it out.



Status changed to: Done



Thank you for reporting that issue, we will push an update with a fix soon. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll be improving on our tests to make sure we keep it working.



Status changed to: In progress



Hi. Thanks for reporting this and sorry you had to report it again. We have one of our developers looking at it today and will update you as soon as we have a fix available. I'll also be making sure we add this scenario to our pre-release testing checklist and writing an automated test covering persistence of vehicle settings to double check that we don't repeat this in the future.



Status changed to: Investigate