Show maximum range with given parametrs

Wojciech Janiak

I would like to see maximum range for selected car with given parametrs like speed, temperature, battery level etc.. It should be shown before I even click to plan route.


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Status changed to: User feedback



Hi Wojciech,

Thank you for the suggestion, however we can't actually know what speed you'll be going (estimated) until you tell us where you'd like to go.

The speed input in settings is only the very maximum speed, and any % over the speed limit.

Since speed is a great part of how much your vehicle will consume along the route, any estimation of range would likely be rather unusable (even if we do see a lot of vehicle manufacturers do this still).

In addition to that, we won't know the elevation or weather until you tell us where you're going.

Range can after all vary a lot, between best and worst conditions (speed, elevation, weather, wind).
