Add possibility to list all the chargers nearby in a list with information on stalls and power. It should be possible to start navigation to a selected charger.
2021-09-30 -
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Merged with:
A button to quickly show nearby chargers using a Point of Interrest list (Cayplay feature)
Ger Teunis
First of all; we love the app.
We have a couple of "find nearest charging station" apps in CarPlay for the non-traveling scenario's.
Would such a feature be part of ABRP? A button to show nearest charging stations (possibly with minimal charge rate/connector filtering).
I'd like to call it: "Oh no; i'm almost dead. Where are most nearby DC chargers!"
Mark N.
Sorry for kicking an older topic, but as far as I am aware, the feature or nearby chargers is only available when not in navigation mode, correct? Sometimes I do want to have more flexibility, even when in nav mode.. And it would be awesome to be able to select nearby chargers on the map, instead of in a static list..
It would be a nice feature to have nearby chargers and availability always showing or at least have it as an option to toggle on/off
I thought in non-routing mode ABRP V4.2.5 shows all charging stations on the map in CarPlay display?
I‘m a little bit confused now, but I‘m going to check this for myself next time.
I saw that ABRP shows some, but not all charging points next to you during routing mode.
Ger Teunis
Sorry, without being in routing mode. I.e. if we drive somewhere without routing (well known destination) and notice that we need to top off the battery. In that case we'd like to quickly find a charging station quickly to navigate to.
Hi Ger,
you mean you are missing the possibility to display charging stations around your current position in the routing mode?
Ger Teunis
We'd like a list of the nearby charging stations to the left side of the map, sorted on distance while not in navigation mode. On request.
In a so called "Point of Interrest" list
Technically: using CPPointOfInterestTemplate
Activity Newest / Oldest
Merged with: A button to quickly show nearby chargers using a Point of Interrest list (Cayplay feature)
Ger Teunis
First of all; we love the app.
We have a couple of "find nearest charging station" apps in CarPlay for the non-traveling scenario's.
Would such a feature be part of ABRP? A button to show nearest charging stations (possibly with minimal charge rate/connector filtering).
I'd like to call it: "Oh no; i'm almost dead. Where are most nearby DC chargers!"
Mark N.
Sorry for kicking an older topic, but as far as I am aware, the feature or nearby chargers is only available when not in navigation mode, correct? Sometimes I do want to have more flexibility, even when in nav mode.. And it would be awesome to be able to select nearby chargers on the map, instead of in a static list..
It would be a nice feature to have nearby chargers and availability always showing or at least have it as an option to toggle on/off
Status changed to: Live
This has been implemented
Ger Teunis
Please close this one; it's a duplicate of
I thought in non-routing mode ABRP V4.2.5 shows all charging stations on the map in CarPlay display?
I‘m a little bit confused now, but I‘m going to check this for myself next time.
I saw that ABRP shows some, but not all charging points next to you during routing mode.
Ger Teunis
Sorry, without being in routing mode. I.e. if we drive somewhere without routing (well known destination) and notice that we need to top off the battery. In that case we'd like to quickly find a charging station quickly to navigate to.
Hi Ger,
you mean you are missing the possibility to display charging stations around your current position in the routing mode?
Ger Teunis
We'd like a list of the nearby charging stations to the left side of the map, sorted on distance while not in navigation mode. On request.
In a so called "Point of Interrest" list
Technically: using CPPointOfInterestTemplate