Share route

massimo gagliassi

I ask you, is possible share route with app Tesla wold it be nice, thanks for your work!


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massimo gagliassi

Hi Katya, I’m sorry but I didn’t see this possibility, I saw only share with maps and google maps…thank you for your answer 💛



Status changed to: User feedback



Hi Massimo,

Sharing a plan with your Tesla's navigation system is already supported, or did you mean something else?



Rick Adams

From my laptop, I created my route and tried to share with my Tesla navigation but saw no direct option. Then I shared with Google Maps. From Google maps I shared with my iPhone (google maps app). All looked good!
Then from my iPhone I chose to Share, and selected Tesla. It said the route was sent. I checked my Tesla navigation and there was a "route" but it wasn't the specific locations ABRP picked and didn't have my added waypoints. It's like Tesla only took the destination and made its own routing stops, ignoring what I created! I'm in 2023 Model Y - latest software updates as of Jan 2024.


UK Cycling

Hi there, when I try to share my ABRP route with charging stops with my Tesla there is no option to do this. How is this supported?


UK Cycling

Hi there, when I try to share my ABRP route with charging stops with my Tesla there is no option to do this. How is this supported?