J |
Lowcarbon |
Have ABRP email you when the services knows it has lost connection with the car and needs login credentials re-added. Important for Tesla users with 2FA Auth as this sometimes needs resetting. I’m finding I’m opening the ABRP app with the warning, logging back in and finding maybe a week with no log.
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Status changed to: User feedback
We will fix a function where we send an email when the car is disconnected. However, it will probably take some time until after the New Year before we have time to do it.
Marcus Nilsson
There needs to be a function notifying the user when ABRP loses connection with the car (Tesla in my case). My car disconnected the 2nd of november (19 days ago) and I just noticed it now when logging in. This means I have no data from the last 19 days.
There really needs to be a notification when this happens, otherwise the ABRP premium functions are quite useless.
Merged with: Notify by email when ABRP disconnects from car (Tesla)