C |
Derson |
MidAmerican/Shell chargers are know to only give 75kwh max even though they are rated for 150kw Chademo/CCS. ABR planner doesn’t appear to take that into account when routing. This doubles the time at these chargers for most vehicles and makes the route planning invalid.
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Maybe I should put this into feature request instead of bug - if a charger can’t provide full kW for a 400v car, then display that by the charger info and adjust times accordingly. This is the first time I’ve run into 150kW chargers that can only provide 75kW, but that is a big difference in time and there are many of these “Shell Recharge” stations in the Midwest.
Early Casey’s [Shell Recharge] in Early Iowa is a good example. abetterrouteplanner.com/?charger_id=160172921
The Checkin comments in PlugShare document the issue: Casey’s- Early 2245 Karr Ave, Early, IA 50535, USA
Status changed to: User feedback
Can you add a link to a charger where this happens so we can look at it?
Status changed to: Investigate
Forgot to say this impacts 400v cars - similar to EA 350kwh chargers only providing about 225kw max for those cars. Not too bad except a 30 min expected charge taking over an hour due to 75kwh max speeds is terrible.