Improve altitude chart

John Kitchen

First, let me say I’m SO impressed that ABRP models regeneration as well as increased kW requirements for uphill segments.

I’d really like to be better able to interpret the altitudes on the chart though.

Take a look at these two screen shots. It’s not clear what the numbers of feet of altitude are to be associated with. I’m finding it ambiguous.


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It‘s the same behaviour like in spreadsheet or word processing applications.

I think it will help to print corresponding short horizontal dashes on the right y-axis. :-)

  • J

John Kitchen

You’re so correct! 😂

I’m an Excel junkie, have been using Excel starting with a pre-release version of release 1.0 on a Mac in the 80s. I choose to never use angled text for that reason. It’s too ambiguous.

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Hi John,
the gray graph is the height profile of the route, the blue line is the SOC curve.

The first digit of the diagonally displayed altitude is at the appropriate altitude


John Kitchen

This is the key to understanding it, “ The first digit of the diagonally displayed altitude is at the appropriate altitude”.

May I suggest explaining this somewhere, because it’s not obvious.

Thank you!