„I need to pee“-Button


Peacefully driving. Many km until next planned stop. But now this: „Dad, I need to pee!“. Please implement this button and a „pee-duration“-setting so I get directed to the nearest charging opportunity and re-calculate the trip with the new stop with one click.


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Peter Drake

Sorry, double post


Peter Drake

If this was implemented we would need to be able to contribute to the pool of data of what toilets are available at what times. I’ve been caught out before thinking a charger has toilets, which it did but not open at the late time I was getting there at

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Jan Marius Evang

I very much need this feature. Came here to suggest exactly this. "Find me a charger with a toilet as soon as reasonably possible along my route"

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I have never tested it myself but what happens if you stop and charge on a charger that ABRP didn’t have in the plan. Will ABRP recalc and remove charging stops(that was planned before)?



If you have telemetry ot manually update the state of charge ABRP will re calculate and suggest a new route based on the not planned charge.


Ivan Moore

maybe with options for just how desperate you are, e.g. often I'll want the nearest that is on route or very close to on route; I don't want to have a diversion just to get to somewhere to stop, unless I'm _really_ desperate.

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Antonio Valero

Orinar, comer, dormir, etc.