Please add the ability to filter by the minimum charger KW rating, such as 350kw. I had signed up for the premium plan hoping it included this feature.
It would be nice to be able to choose the minimum charging power of the chargers shown on the map, in addition to the preferred networks, like is in openchargemap
Omur Can Kayaokay
I am using a Kia e-Niro and at best it gets charged at 77kwh. I may not want to pull to 175-350kwh chargers a d pay their premium prices per kWh. Therefore, I am actually ok with 50-100kwh chargers and a bit longer journeys. Same can be said for minimum power limit too. We should have the option to indicate the min and max power deliveries.
I would like a feature to have a minimum charging speed at a station. There are some apps/cards that charge per minute instead of per kwh.
Jean Louis Charpentier
You must be able to configure the minimum power of the terminals where you will charge
Il faut pouvoir paramétrer la puissance minimum des bornes ou on va charger
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It would be nice to be able to choose the minimum charging power of the chargers shown on the map, in addition to the preferred networks, like is in openchargemap
Omur Can Kayaokay
I am using a Kia e-Niro and at best it gets charged at 77kwh. I may not want to pull to 175-350kwh chargers a d pay their premium prices per kWh. Therefore, I am actually ok with 50-100kwh chargers and a bit longer journeys. Same can be said for minimum power limit too. We should have the option to indicate the min and max power deliveries.
I would like a feature to have a minimum charging speed at a station. There are some apps/cards that charge per minute instead of per kwh.
Jean Louis Charpentier
You must be able to configure the minimum power of the terminals where you will charge
Il faut pouvoir paramétrer la puissance minimum des bornes ou on va charger
Christian Damsgaard
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Christian Damsgaard
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Christian Damsgaard
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Christian Damsgaard
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Christian Damsgaard
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oui avec les VE en 800 Volts on devrait pouvoir choisir que les bornes 250 kW ou +
José Luis
Sería interesante tener un filtro para elegir cargadores según velocidad de carga. Para filtrar de 22kw, 50kw, 100kw, 150kw o mas.
Henrik holter
only Superchargers at 250kW