Dutch female voice

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The planning of ABRP is fine. But the spoken guidance... There is some room for improvement there.

The male voice is not clear. Sounds like someone has a handkerchief over the mouth. A female voice is clearer and better to understand.

In addition, too much text is used. That is why you actually miss the indication. "Faint turn right at the split"/"flauw rechts afslaan bij de splitsing" That is not as we Dutch say it. We say "keep on the right"/"rechts aanhouden" or if you leave the highway "take the exit"/"neem de afslag"

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Hi Johan
On most phones you should be able to change the voice for the navigation in your phone settings. Google how to change it for your phone.



Just tell me, because when I search for "ABRP change voice iphone" I don't get any useful information. In an app like TomTom there is simply an option for this in the menu.



You don't change it in ABRP but in your phones settings. Try google "change navigation voice iPhone (change to your phone brand)".



Maybe in Android, I'm using an iPhone. (so Apple) The only thing I can find is for the Siri voice. And ABRP does not use that.

It's a bit of a shame that suport keeps referring me to Google instead of just providing a link to the correct information. So if you have it please. So it concerns ABRP on an Apple iPhone.




This voice change has nothing to do with the ABRP app and our support, it's a separate setting in your phone.
If you go to the settings in your iPhone -> Accessibility -> Spoken content -> Voices -> and then select your language you can select another voice. Then it should be used for the navigation.

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Now this is an answer that a user can do something with instead of finding it out yourself with Google.

It will undoubtedly make sense as a developer of ABPR. Just think that a user is not so deep in the software. Especially not if the user is used to other apps where the voice setting is in the app.

My advice include it in the faq / instructions for use

The voice is now resolved. However, the demand for better guidance remains.