S |
Sascha Schlüter |
I would appreciate to have user contributed photos of the charging stalls and the surroundings. This would be helpful to evaluate whether e.g. a trailer may or may not remain attached during the charging process. Alternativly, a link to appropriate ressources (google business entries) may serve the need, too.
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Status changed to: Live
Status changed to: In progress
Merged with: Upload imagen from gallery
antonio chacon
add Upload imagen from gallery option
Anthony Sellitto
You should allow uploading photos of chargers in large shopping centers do you can see what stores its near to make it easier to find them or at least slow comments like Near Target. We spent 10 minutes driving around a shopping center trying to find the Kingston LA chargers
Can you please explain a little bit more what you mean?
antonio chacon
Its useful sometimes to find the charging spot.
B Leaf
Please consider integration with Plugshare instead! They have a solid database and user base, why reinvent the wheel?
Without a current/trustable charger database, routing is a crapshoot.
Therefore it woukd be better to integrate with Chargefinder instead.
B Leaf
Care to explain your position?