Charging stops sometimes very short


Hi guys, Thanks for your great EV routeplanner, i really enjoy it. But when i plan a route from e.g. Enkhuizen to Bellinzona, ABRP comes with many stops, up to 12 charging stops to get there. (Ioniq 28kWh / "Few but long" stops selected in the settings). It sometimes proposes to charge from 32 to 56%.... You really don't want that, even though overall it might be a few seconds faster or cheaper. If you have to stop, then stop seriously.
Can you make an option at a certain charging station detail to "search for a charger further away" or so? or an option to make the legs between the stops even longer? I am curious

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Sorry for the late reply. This is what ABRP proposes: abetterrouteplanner.com/?plan_uuid=aedce750-5a94-4027-ae32-ddb3aef12bab
(this time it proposes 10 stops)
I use fixed consumption, no OBD



Status changed to: User feedback



Can you please share the plan so we can see your settings? For that route the Ioniq proposes 7 charge stops for me.

Do you use live data via obd or do you plan with a fixed consumption?