Aptera uses NACS

Don Daniels

I’ve been playing with the different route planners as we are getting an EV very soon, and so far am liking yours best. Will probably be upgrading to the premium version once we get the car.
I also have an Aptera on order for sometime next year. Glad to see you have most of the specs already, but very frustrating that I can not specify Tesla chargers. The vehicle has the Tesla (NACS) plug, and it is expected we will have full access to Tesla chargers when the vehicle ships. Can you turn on the option to use Tesla Chargers with Aptera?

I also just saw that Rivian now has access to the Tesla charging network.


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Merged with: Aptera should be Tesla plug (now called NACS), not CCS1 (for North America)


Henry McDaniels

source for this:
recently: twitter.com/aptera_motors/status/1591143095202377728
original announcement: electrek.co/2022/06/21/aptera-wants-adopt-tesla-charge-connector-solar-electric-car/

Tesla (see paragraph 3): www.tesla.com/blog/opening-north-american-charging-standard

early prototype aptera pictured.


Don Daniels

All Aptera models will come with the NACS (Tesla) plug, and we are expecting to be able to use the entire Tesla charging network, SuperChargers and Destination Chargers. Can you update your app to allow Aptera to use Tesla chargers.

Also, you show what looks like an excessive energy consumption rate. Aptera is advertising 100 watt hours/mile, or 10 mi/KWh. The 3 motor version will probably be about 10% less unless they can figure out how to turn off the 3rd motor for cruising if not needed for traction. Then of source there will be further reductions for climate and road conditions like driving in snow. However, I think your current energy consumption estimates are excessively high.

Please contact Aptera.us for their most recent performance and charging (and charging rate) specs.




Merged with: Aptera charging and consumption



Merged with: Aptera is NCAS standard


Don Daniels

Trying to plan some potential routes for the 60kwh Aptera I have on order. Aptera will have the NACS (Tesla) charging port, access to the Tesla Supercharger network, and at least 40 KW charging rate. Please add the Tesla chargers to the available options for Aptera.



Status changed to: User feedback



You can add Tesla network in the settings under Chargers & Networks and Avoid and prefer. We will add the NACS but have not done it yet since it's so new.


Don Daniels

I have tried again today adding Tesla chargers for Aptera under Chargers and Networks, but the only options it offers are CCS & level 2. Also the energy consumption seems rather high for Aptera. Very frustrating trying to plan potential road trips in the Aptera I expect to get next year.

Please contact Aptera.us and update your app with the pretty well finalized charging options, max charging rate, and energy per mile at various speeds. Then I can play with different road trips without experiencing planning app frustration.





It should support both: Tesla chargers native, but CCS would work with an adapter.


Henry McDaniels

I think your right as the communications should be CCS but the physical port should be tesla.