Android Automotive Version for Volvo vehicles

Jurjen Berends

There is a version for the Polestar but when is the version for the Volvo XC40 planned?
If you need a tester, I like to support!


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Charles Morgan

Could this be expanded so AAOS in general? I have a Blazer EV and enjoy using this app


Yunkler Phillip

Is this really happening?

Bo Lincoln
Unfortunately we do not yet support manual data import into ABRP. However, in better news, our Android Automotive version of ABRP with support for Google Play is in testing so we should be able to release it within a month. That will enable you to run ABRP with live data in the car.
Best / Bo

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Joakim Westin

Any news in if or when ABRP will be available for Volvos?

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Job van de Noort

Still open?



I would love to be able to install ABRP in my Volvo through the Google Playstore, with access to EV data.



Merged with: Support Android Automotive in Volvo


Johan Iderot

I chatted with ABRP on a Swedish Facebook group a week ago and got this answer:
"Of course, we want to be able to offer to use ABRP also in the Volvo XC40 (and other cars that drive / will drive Android Automotive).
The version for Polestar 2 was released through a collaboration with Polestar themselves as we "regular" app developers at that time still did not have permission from Google to release navigation apps for Automotive. (Because it is published by Polestar themselves in Google Play).
We'll be implementing Google's Automotive templates this spring, which will allow us to publish for public access on Google Play. If it leads to Volvo taking us in, we can not promise (but we hope of course!)"

So maybe something will happen later this year then!

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Jurjen Berends

Thanks for the update. Much appreciated you have done!


Zandr Milewski

Thanks for that update. I just installed Sygic, Plugshare, a newer ChargePoint, and ParkWhiz this way. Here's hoping ABRP is next!



Othe car manufacturers (like Renault) are using Android Automotive OS (AAOS) for their IVI.
Is ABRP planning to deliver the app for Android Automotive OS (AAOS) ?


Mark McLaughlin

There's a handful of beta apps - including navigation apps - that became available on AAOS with an update to the Car App Library from Google. I've successfully run and installed Sygic on my XC40 Recharge via the details on the page below, so there should be a way for ABRP to follow a similar path:



Zandr Milewski

Is Google the gatekeeper here? Or Volvo? The forum post seems to imply Google is the problem because they think this is a navigation app. The other apps in the Play store in the car suggest that Volvo is not gatekeeping.

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