% charge that adapts / % de charge qui s'adapte

Line Hamoir

It would be nice if the % charge updates on the app after a trip with ABRP. Because when you take the car back after the trip, the battery % remains the same as that indicated at the start of the first trip


Ce serait bien si le % de charge se mette à jour sur l'appli après un trajet avec ABRP. Car quand on reprend la voiture après le trajet, le % de batterie reste le même que celui indiqué au départ du premier trajet

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Status changed to: User feedback



Hi Line,

Your account here on Upvoty wasn't created with a link to your ABRP account so I can't check what vehicle you're driving.

However, we do offer some different options for live data for the Citroën models. You can see them here; abetterrouteplanner.com/compare/livedata/
