Every charger in Sweden is wrong price. Fix thanks.
2023-07-16 -
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visus visus
Then if you could change the price to 5sek or similar. 7.80 is too high.
Thank you.
We are going to do an update of the prices but since it's different prices during the day we are not able to have all of them.
Right now we can't have the user to type in the prices in the app.
visus visus
Then maybe you can make possibly for users to change the prices on current route?
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User Feedback
We don't get any prices from Tesla but we need to collect them ourselves and then enter them manually into the app. Therefore, we are not able to update them every time they change.
Daniel Hahler
I would have expected for this to be an API there. Are you in contact with Tesla about this?
Manually updating them is not really feasible given the dynamics there.
Anyway, how can/should users report prices then to you?
If there is no API (planned) from Tesla itself, it might make sense to setup a user-driven DB/API to provide this for others (including ABRP) then.
Activity Newest / Oldest
visus visus
Then if you could change the price to 5sek or similar. 7.80 is too high.
Thank you.
We are going to do an update of the prices but since it's different prices during the day we are not able to have all of them.
Right now we can't have the user to type in the prices in the app.
visus visus
Then maybe you can make possibly for users to change the prices on current route?
Status changed to: User Feedback
We don't get any prices from Tesla but we need to collect them ourselves and then enter them manually into the app. Therefore, we are not able to update them every time they change.
Daniel Hahler
I would have expected for this to be an API there. Are you in contact with Tesla about this?
Manually updating them is not really feasible given the dynamics there.
Anyway, how can/should users report prices then to you?
If there is no API (planned) from Tesla itself, it might make sense to setup a user-driven DB/API to provide this for others (including ABRP) then.