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In trying to plan a route from New Jersey to Dayton, OH, which is normally a 9 hour drive, it's estimating 24 hours just for the drive time.
The max speed is default and there's no speed adjustments set.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a wider issue?
Thank you
Activity Newest / Oldest
This issue is still occurring on version 4.2.10 (1051). See attached image.
Can you please share the plan URL?
Merged with: Wrong time calculated on route
Kris Jaranowski
37km shown 5h to drive between superchargers Trumpington and Birchanger green is not true. No traffic i checked yesterday and I see if I'm on route from north to London is count crazy numbers of time. Fixed please.
Kris Jaranowski
Ok, I found wrong numbers in battery option OVERHEAD need reduce from 300 to 5 for example.
Merged with: Driving tile calculation
Yves Gazin
The times calculated for driving seem extremely off.
Yves Gazin
Yep, was set to 300 mins, Resetting it to 5 mins fixed the problem. Thank you for the swift response.
Please check your battery settings and reduce charge time overhead to 5mins again. We had an issue here:
It is solved, but it could be that the server stored that falsy setting.
Merged with: Incorrect calculations
rajas patil
For salt lake city UT to houston Texas, I am getting 85 hours of drive time.
Please check abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/very-long-drive-time-estimates/
Eyüp Çiftçi
Since today all my routes seem to take twice as long to drive as they normally should and I don't know why. Checked all settings so I think it's not me
Merged with: Travel time is twice as long
Eyüp Çiftçi
Please close. Saw that charging overhead time was set to 300 all of a sudden in another bug report. That was my problem too...
Status changed to: Done
This has been fixed now. Please clear your cache or reload the abrp website so it updates to the latest version. Should show version 4.2.9 (1032).
If you still see it it could be we accidentally stored the wrong charge time overhead in battery settings on the server due to the bug, in that case please set it back to 5mins.
Thank you!
Björn Wigholm
defined a trip from
Wilen bei Neunforn, Swizerland
Norwegenkai, Kiel, Germany
Tesla S 2021, long range
and got a total trip time of
19 h 59 m
with charging time
1 h 49 m
wich gives an average speed of
51.5 km/h
total unrealistic
see also uploaded image
best regards
Björn Wigholm
Merged with: Strange / wrong trip time
Bram Strack Van Schijndel
Default charging overhead is set wrongly to 300 min
Björn Wigholm
Great, back to normal after changing this value to 5 minutes
another capture her 7 hours for.....173 km? WTF?
same issue here!!! the journey is not the good time travel
We found the issue and are working on a fix.
Status changed to: In progress
ABRP is reporting 6 hrs 18 min to travel 103 miles along a freeway with no traffic (see picture).
Status changed to: Investigate
Could You please share the plan where this happens?
Here's an example:
It's like it's stuck in 23mph mode.
In your settings for charging you have set a charge time overhead of 300mins. That is added to the route time as we assume you additionally take that time to plug in and so on. This should be set down to 5-10mins or so.
We will check if that value was accidentally set by us for some reason. In the meantime just set it down to 5mins again.
I didn't change this setting and have repeated this in a guest browser profile as well. I had to discover where that setting actually is as I've never seen it before.
Is this a default for the Ioniq 5?
No, default is 5mins.
Trevor Mack
see the other comments here, this isn't just impacting this single user.
That's why I said we will check this on our side too. In the meantime set the value down to 5mins again and you should be fine.
Trevor Mack
I didn't have a charge time overhead and the plan was quoting "drive time" as being long. "Charge time" was normally as I would expect.
Please share the plan. If a charge time overhead is set, it is added to the drive time, not to the charge time, as it is actually not part of the charging. So i assume it is still the same problem. Please check your settings in the battery options. Charge overhead should normally be as low as 5mins.
Paul Inskip
SAME HERE, times are fine as long as I don't add a charge in, adding a 17 minute charge to a 100 minute journey increases the total journey time to 6 hours!!!
Something is definitely wrong, server-side. Is there a way to tag a dev or submit a bug directly?
Chris Wyatt
See the route from the screenshot. This would take about an hour to drive. The entire trip I've been planning from Boise to San Francisco is showing a ridiculous 55 hour drive (should be closer to 14hours)! I've clicked on every button and setting and reset the car I saved several times. I can't figure out what setting is doing this and give me bad info. I'm using a PC to plan this.
Chris Wyatt
Same here. A trip that is 53 miles away is showing it will take over 5 1/2 hours to get there! What's going on?!
Matt Cote
Hunh. So definitely not just me then. It said I should take 7 hours to drive 215 km . . . which works out to an average of 40 km/h or less than 25 miles per hour for anyone south of the border.
Trevor Mack
Same for us. With a trip of 389 miles taking 11+ hours drive time which is 35-40mph which is definitely not the right speed for a pay way near us with a limit of 65mph.
Trevor Mack
Looking at the mobile app this morning and website the issues from last night seem to be resolved automatically (nothing changed on my side that I'm aware of).
abetterrouteplanner.com?plan_uuid=c940a83e-e145-4fc6-aefb-f5596dd4cf16 (just made a new route plan).