Verbindung zum OBD Adapter konnte von Android Auto nicht hergestellt werden.

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Klaus Struck

Since the last update, the OBD dongle no longer connects ABRP to Android Car Play and therefore does not read the current charge level. Therefore: Never change a running system!!!!


OBD Dongle verbindet ABRP seit dem letzten Updaten nicht mehr mit Android Car Play und liest damit auch keinen aktuellen Ladezustand aus. Daher: Never change a running system !!!!


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We've previously had issues with the OBD connection feature. Please update to the latest version of the app and try again.



Thorsten B

Since version 5.0.5 the OBD connection works again. To check if the OBDLinkCX works or is broken I bought an VGate. That one works right now since 10 days on our holiday tripp.
Will try the OBDLink CX when I am back home the next days.

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Panagiotis Malakoudis

Problem remains with 5.0.4 update. The only way to make it work (apart from rolling back to 5.0.2) is the following:
- On your phone, disconnect from Android Auto. It is shown in notification list
- On your phone, close ABRP app
- Wait few seconds
- On your phone, open ABRP app
- Wait few seconds
- On your car, enable again Android Auto
This needs to be done EVERY time you enter car, so it is ridiculous.


Klaus Struck

Update 26.07.24

Even the update 5.0.4 from 25.07.24 could not solve the problem. ABRP still doesn`t connect to Android Car Play.


Panagiotis Malakoudis

Your support is really problematic. So many reports for broken OBD support with Android after update to 5.0.3 and you still haven't figured out the issue. Just roll back to previous version that worked till you fix it. I pay for ABRP because I like Android Auto and OBD support. Now this doesn't work. If I try stop/start the app some times, maybe it will work, but this is not a solution. Just roll back the broken version and fix it.

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Klaus Struck

Good tip Panagiotis, the connection works perfectly with the old version 5.0.2. However, this cannot be the solution. Thanks for your help :-)


Panagiotis Malakoudis

I meant that ABRP should roll back to 5.0.2 in the play store till they figure out the problem. Each individual cannot do that.


Thorsten B

My OBDLink CX also stopped working. It was still listed within connections of ABRP but there was no data incoming. I removed the link to the OBD dongle and reconnected it... Now it says, that it does not get any data from the vehicle.
I also have Enode enabled and connected.


Klaus Struck

Addition: ABRP does NOT connect to the dongle when Android Auto is active. The dongle only connects to the app when the vehicle is turned off. I am a premium member and pay €45 per year, so I cannot use the app.


Klaus Struck

I use version 5.0.3 on an Android Samsung Galaxy Flip 4. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the app. The error remains the same. ABRP does not connect to Android Car Play. Before the last update, ABRP works without any problems.



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Hi Klaus,

Have you tried resetting the connection and it still doesn't work for you?

What version of the app are you running and on what platform?



Gaetano Mendola

The ODBII is simply not found, rebooting the phone helps, switching the car off helps, I have two phones sometime one connects the other doesn't