Arianto C Nugroho |
In the Netherlands, on most of the highway, they have 2 speed limit depending on the time of the day. During day time (6am - 7pm) : 100KpH, other time : 120 or 130 KpH.
On the previous version of ABRP, not only that it showed the correct speed limit based on the time of the day, it also takes into account when calculating routes, properly predicting the increase of energy usage when we are passing between the 2 'timezone' ..
But last night I drove at midnite, but the speed limit shown was the one for daytime and I don't think it take into account the higher speed when predicting the energy consumption.
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Wilko van Faassen
Look goods on the map with planning ahead.
Martijn Brakman
It used to work, however since the latest update the app does not anymore take into consideration the difference between daytime speedlimits and evening/ night speed limits. From 6-19 in the Netherlands speedlimit in general is 100 km/h and from 19:00-6 on most roads the speedlimit is 130 km/h. It complicates planning in the evening/ night.
Merged with: Difference speedlimit day and night tima
Coen van Houwelingen
In The Netherlands the speed limit is 100 km/h between 06:00 and 19:00. Outside those hours it's 130km/h. ABRP showed 100 even though I was driving after 21:00. As a result the planned SoC on arrival was off. I also filed a bug report while driving.
Merged with: Wrong speed limit
Status changed to: Done
Should be fixed by now. Please check and report back with feedback.
This should be fixed by now. Please check and report back with feedback.
Matthias U
> We are working on the fix for this
So maybe change the bug state to "in progress"?
Wilko van Faassen
Any updates ot the problem?
Thank you for the feedback, indeed this is something which we used to have but which may have been broken recently. We will investigate and get back to you.
Wilko van Faassen
Got the same problem. It was working before update 5
Thank you for reporting it!
We are working on the fix for this
Status changed to: Investigate