Utopic travel times


since some of the last updates for me the route planning does not work, the travel times are ridiculous. Right now I planned a route from Halle Saale to Bad Heilbrunn in Germany. ABRP thinks I could drive 505 km in 3:59 hrs + 37 min charging time. That's simply impossible. Google maps says 5 hrs travel time without charging time. So why is ABRP 1 hr faster than google?
And that's not just for this route, it's ridiculous for any planned route...
Thanks and greetings from Germany,

Activity Newest / Oldest


This ticket has been moved to our new feedback portal; abrp.featurebase.app/en/p/utopic-travel-times-2



Hi Michael

According your ABRP plan the maximum drive speed setting is 140 km/h.
I assume that Google Maps calculates only with a maximum speed of 130 km/h.

The reference speed is set to 110%, which is unusual. Normally it should be 100%, i.e. you are driving as fast as permitted.
With 110%, you pretend to always drive 10% faster than the speed limit. ;-)

Another impact of the shorter plan seems to be that ABRP's live traffic information is unfortunately not as accurate as Google Maps, i.e. ARBP often adds too few minutes for congestion and traffic delays than Google, especially for initial routing.


Marius Mauss

I agree I have just checked a 672km track throughout all of Germany. Once across basically. Google thinks it's more along the lines of 7+ hours without charging or stopping at all. I haven't set the reference speed to something different and set the speedlimit to 150. I don't know what changed in the calculation algorithm but it appears to just assume there is never a speedlimit and it can just go 150kph for the entire duration of the travel.



