M |
Matthias Dongus |
If you navigate from Nürtingen to Tübingen in Germany, the app always wants to divert you from the main road to some windy back roads which are a longer distance and take longer than the main road.
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This happens in other locations as well. Reminds me a bit of early sat navs where they would direct you off the current road only to rejoin the road very soon after. On paper the diversion was probably shorter and quicker, but in reality slowing to make the turn, waiting to rejoin and in general the clumsiness of the diversion was not worth it. This is something that google maps has managed to fine tune over the years - ABRP will get there as well 👍🏼
Status changed to: In progress
Status changed to: Investigate
we reduced the impact of live traffic a bit, so it should prefer to stay on the main roads now. Closed roads however are considered as before.
Status changed to: User Feedback
Please share a plan where this happens.
Matthias Dongus
I did not mean the full plan, but a reduced one so we can see the problematic part. A screenshot would help too, to see the problematic parts, as this could change quite fast due to traffic for example.
Matthias Dongus
The fastest route would be over the B297. ABRP chooses quite long detours in both directions between Tübingen and Nürtingen. If you ignore it and take the B297 ANRP even shows shorter travel times than before.
Matthias Dongus
Matthias Dongus
Please also share the plan URL for this route so we can check. You can use guidepoints to force a specific route. Please also share that so we know which would be your expected route.
Ok I think I see the problem here. Seems to be traffic related. Could you please confirm, that if you turn off live traffic, that the route looks as expected?