Unexplainable increase in efficiency

Chris Kunigenas

I don't use ODB but rather have been able to calibrate the base efficiency for my car (Kia e-niro 19-22 64kwh) over many trips, recalculating after the trip so that estimated battery matches actual. It's been working for about a year, but at some point in the last few months i had to make the adjustment from around 140 Wh/km @ 110km/h to 95 Wh/km! It now works accurately for trips but it seems like a bug. I've checked all of the relevant settings i think, logged out then back in, etc but this is still the case as of today.

Mostly I'm worried that I'm not going to be paying attention and one day for a longer trip the calculation goes back to "normal" and I'm forced to stop for an unplanned charge.


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Chris Kunigenas

This is still happening, it would be nice to have some feedback on this. Today I tried a test without using my user profile, so I loaded the same car, applied the same settings as best as I could (I have a premium account), and the same route returns a very different result with the same ridiculous reference consumption 110 km/h.

Arrive with 13% (my account)

Arrive with 20% (no account)

The second is what I get in the real world, but as I keep saying, 110 as ref. consumption doesn't make any sense.


Chris Kunigenas

So today I finally completed that trip. The first leg I forgot to log, but the second leg, predicted to use 29% of total battery at 100 Wh/km , over 91 km and very hilly (net gain in elevation) actually used 22%. This makes no sense, I drive efficiently but this is really impossible. I actually was not able to lower the reference consumption low enough to make this trip coincide with reality.



What starting point did you have for your second leg?
Also, on the original plan, when we recreate it we get zero charge stops when entering 95 Wh/km @ 110 km/h - this is not how you actually drive, correct?


Chris Kunigenas

The second leg was Tremp to Vielha, like this: abetterrouteplanner.com/?plan_uuid=e70d7942-3512-4faa-be69-2fea6e4d6c5c

And yes, the whole trip I would not need to stop to charge. 95 Wh/km @ 110 km/h is what gives me accurate plans, when before it was 140-- the exact problem. I generally drive the speed limit or a few km/h over (I am not hypermiling or whatever).


Chris Kunigenas

Hi, just to be clear all plans are showing this same efficiency. Here's one that I'll be doing soon and I think it more or less matches what I used to get at 140 Wh/km: abetterrouteplanner.com/?plan_uuid=b9c6c38d-f51e-4b0f-bac8-6256b1f4d8a0



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Could you make an example plan and paste the link here where you think the plan would match your actual consumption?


Chris Kunigenas

Completed another trip where at 95 Wh/km should have arrived with 49% and the actual drive arrived with 53%. Link: abetterrouteplanner.com/?plan_uuid=dc76ac8e-d504-459a-872c-36184e8386c1. Something is really wrong here, is there still no idea what it could be? This makes it really hard to trust ABRP plans...