Tronity not updating

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Stefan Bäckman

I have a set up of an OBD-2 adapter and at the same time a Tronity set up in ABRP. The OBD-2 adapter connection works flawlessly. The Tronity connection not so much. It stopped updating 5 month ago. I have reset the link between ABRP/Tronity several times but it is still not working. ABRP tries to connect but just report Tronity as sleeping (as you can see in the attached picture).


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Status changed to: Done


Stefan Bäckman

I just noticed that the Tronity connection is working again.



Hi Stefan,

Sorry, I wasn't notified of your replies. Tronity did recently have issues on their end and the users who experienced connection problems had them resolved by contacting Tronity.



Stefan Bäckman

Any progress on this one...?


Stefan Bäckman

Need anything else? Or maybe just busy?



Status changed to: User Feedback



Hi Stefan,

Do you see status in Tronity update but not in ABRP?
When you're checking the status of the vehicle have you used the app/website for a moment? (We're only fetching data when ABRP is in use)
What software version does your car run?
( there are restrictions linked to this: help.tronity.io/hc/en-us/articles/360018314060-Supported-Vehicles-and-Characteristics )



Stefan Bäckman

Hi Katya,
Yes, I can see updates in Tronity about charges, trips and battery status. Both in the Tronity app and web page. These are not synchronized with ABRP. I can see on ABRP web page that it is trying to connect to Tronity for updates but seems to fail and only reports not connected and Tronity sleeping (as in the picture). It is only the updates that are not synced. When I remove the link between ABRP and Tronity there are no problems linking them together again. With authentication and so on.
It used to work before. My car is a Skoda Enyaq with sw ME3.0. However, this does not involve that software. It is a problem between ABRP and Tronity. The sync between the car to VAG servers and onto the Tronity system is working. Tronity even got correct information about the current milage of the car.