Trailer setting doesn't affect results

Alan Batie

I tried plotting a trip with a Medium trailer and a Large trailer configuration, and neither affected the results at all, when it should have cut my range in half at least


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Hi Alan
For you to see a change in the consumption you need to drive with it several times so we get the data. The more you drive the more accurate the consumption will be. It's important that you always select the configuration very time you use the trailer and don't use it when you only drive with your car.


Alan Batie

OK; I was hoping to get a prediction before I got the trailer - it would be nice if one of the car profile options let me set the range, so I could play with planning stops depending on what I actually got...



Maybe this will be possible in the future but for now we need some data from your car first. I forgot to mention that you also need to connect your car to the app with live data, for example an OBD.