C |
Christian Weinhold |
as I had already reported once (message can no longer be found) in the following example
a section of the road will be bypassed for no apparent reason (I have already driven down this road).
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Can you please share in a screenshot which part does not work as expected?
Christian Weinhold
here you can see the part of the road that is avoided
That is not the route you shared above, can you please share the right plan?
Ok found it, that is an issue on openstreetmap (see screenshot). The road does not seem to be correctly connected.
Christian Weinhold
Oh sorry that was the link to a route with a different problem. But as I read they have already found the problem.
I've already registered with open street map but can't deal with the message. Do you report this bug further?
We can check it.
Just fixed it in OSM, will be live in the next 2 weeks on static maps and normally within a shorter time on maps with live traffic.