TomTomZoe |
ABRP 4.2.0 with CarPlay and iPhone 11 Pro 15.4.
I usually drive in 3D mode with CarPlay.
If I now switch to the overall view, I can see the route in the overall view (but much too small compared to previous ABRP versions, please improve size), alternative routes are then calculated immediately for at least 20 seconds (why without a reason?) and without result, and then the Route guidance stopped by itself.
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This ticket has been moved to our new feedback portal;
Status changed to: Done
With ABRP V4.2.5 the recalculation works again, also switching between Overview and 3D mode doesn’t stop the routing any longer.
If you press "Cancel" at the bottom left or "Back" at the top left (the latter is not visible in the screenshot), then the navigation is canceled and you can then start it again.
Please bring back the overview button, it is urgently needed!
I'm a big fan of ABRP premium, but since V4.2.0 ABRP is not really usable at the moment.
Here is a correspondig screenshot.
Status changed to: In progress
That button has changed function to calculating alternative chargers, but we intend to re-introduce the overview button again.