Switching back to Android app it zooms to Copenhagen

David Gobbett

If I have the app open to plan a trip in Australia, then switch to another app, when I switch back to APRP, the map zooms from Australia across to Copenhagen in Europe.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Alexander Blinne

Just to chime in that I have also experienced this issue a number of times recently.



Status changed to: In progress



Hi David,

I can't see any issues with your account settings or saved vehicle that would cause this. However, our HQ is in fact located in Lund, Sweden which, when focused on we'll most likely show Copenhagen as well.

Lund is the fallback location for when we're not getting a GPS location from the app or vehicle (if it has live data) to focus on when opening the app. But, this is of course somewhat confusing which we've already noted and we're looking into how this can be avoided.
