Incorrect state of charge for MG5

Raimondas G.

On my MG5 app always shows 5% more battery then it shows on the dashboard in the car. For example, if car reads 50% the app will show as that it has 55% charge
Is there a way to sort it out?

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Jens Keller

On my recent long distance trip with 5 charging stops I noticed that the state of charge is just wrong INTERMITTENTLY! In both directions, the SOC was off on the first leg only. At the starting point (100%/80% SOC) it was fine, and gradually degraded into a value of 8% too low (at 20% real SOC) in ABRP (which showed 12%). After the next charge until the end of the trip (charging to 60-80% SOC each) the SOC was always perfectly fine (max. 1% off).
I did a reconnect of my OBD after the first leg and replanned the route, trying to fix the degrading SOC. Unfortunately, I have no idea which action really made it work from the second leg on.
So obviously, it is not the calculation formula that is wrong in general, but under certain circumstances there is some influence that leads to a bad SOC result.
(I was using the latest beta available at 09/2023, driving the MG5 long range with 61.1 kWh nominal capacity)


Markus Hillebrand

i encountered a problem with the OBD live SOC on our MG5. The SOC in ABRP is show between 5 and 7% higher than the SOC of the car. Even if the car is charged to 100% with ABRP active, after the SOC drops under 93% the SOC is reported too high.



Merged with: Wrong live SOC data on MG5


Johannes E

I have the same problem on my MG5 Standard Range. However, it's not always exactly 5% off. Varies between 3% and 6% too much reported SOC in ABRP.


Johannes E

I have the same problem on my MG5 Standard Range...



Status changed to: In progress



Status changed to: User Feedback




I assume you use an OBD connection?

Another guess, you have the MG5 low range?

Please provide more information.


Raimondas G.

Sorry, yes I am using obd connection, and yes it is standard range mg 5ev, it's 2021 model.
It's strange, as if car has 100% the app will show 100% and matches the car until it gets to 95%, and then after that app reading will jump back to 100% and always reads 5% more than the cars dashboard.



Yes, we did not figure out yet the difference for the MG5 SR yet, you can check the discussion here: