Marc S. |
The app don't take in consideration my SOC to destination setting (with OBD connected). My setting is 20% to destination or supercharger and the app calculate to arrived at 3%... If I change the setting or have less battery than expected it ask me to slow down (20 or 30km/h less) but don't propose me to charge (but I know there is supercharger during the road).
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Status changed to: Done
Marc S.
Hello. I did'nt try again with OBD connexion, but in planification it's better. It idon't propose me anymore a shutdown below 20% load.
Status changed to: In progress
We are working on an improvement for this and should release a fix during this week.
We did deploy a change in the planner algorithm late last week to prevent these type of way-below-margin plans. Can you see if that has helped for you? Otherwise, can you submit a plan_uuid (share theplan) to us, either here if you can make it public or via email support@iternio.com .
Status changed to: Investigate