SOC different from OBD, Planning with to much stops

Sven B.

Using my MG ZS EV LR for a longer trip the ABRP read SOC is always 2-4 Percent lower than the car Display show, so ABRP make wrong plans.
When I startet a 500km trip ABRP want me to charge 3 times, I knew that 1-2 times is enough, but ABRP says 3 stops. While driving the SOC lowers more slowly than ABRP plans, but the route didn`t change to 1-2 stop. I have to do all manually, not possible while driving.
Last thing the OBD cause an intruder Alarm when leaving in the car, while ABRP is working.
I love the Idea but it does not help me at this moment.


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We have a feature in our backlog to allow adjustment of the SoC offset for OBD. MGs are tricky to read out the correct SoC value from as it is different in different firmware versions.
We have not heard of the alarm issue in MG - does it consistently sound the alarm if you leave the car with OBD in?
About charge stops: You can change the frequency of stops by adjusting the slider for charge stops "Few but long" etc, and also set a lower arrival SoC.


Sven B.

I tried to set with slider to less Stop, but the ABRP App plan with more use of Batterie. I thought it would lern but nothing changed, the learnlevel is near 90 Percent.
The Alarm is not every time, sure the alarm starts only when the App is open for reading data. So I have to remove obd to avoid alarm every time, thats not practical use.



Hello please tell me how adjust the SoC coming from odb scanner ? Regards



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