Smart #1 ODB Live data totally wrong!

Tony Dau

The ODB connection on the Smart #1 has a lot of issues (ABRP 5.0.2 android 14).

I have been trying to use ODBlink CX for nearly 4 weeks now, but 90% of time, it lose connection and doesn't record anything. This has been also mentioned on the ODB link forum by many users. Most of the time, ABRP will show the ODB connected, but yet doesn't read any data... it then show a message of "x min/hours without ODB Data but yet will show as green connected on android auto.

Again, Yesterday, I did a long drive, all started well, connected and reading my battery 80% all good, it planned the route and started to drive... after few minutes, it showed 13% battery (battery level before my charge stop) whereas I still had 75% on the car. Started to reroute with stops telling me that I won't have enough charge to complete my journey.

Another one, ABRP reported 13% SOC, yet I will have 52% remaining when arriving at my next stop, see attached ??? (very efficient regen !!!)...

The ODB connection is very unstable with no "read" event, only "connected" and "writing"? This has been reproduced using all the recommended ODB dongles and many differents type of phones by other users...
This totally mess up my consumption and route planning.

I have a 13 hrs journey coming up and I am scared that ABRP will mess it up completely while driving...
PLEASE fix this asap. or at least work on it (don't ignore premium/paying users by not following up on forum queries please) Please...

Premium for me means ODB to have real time SoC and comsumption while driving (adapting to changing conditions) and also recording trip and charge stops. None of that currently works correctly
Please let us know.


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ABRP V5.0.9 (3025)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 18.0

I have the impression that the biggest bugs of V5.0.x have now been fixed by ABRP, one could assume that the topic “OBD connection of Smart #1 and #3” can now gain more priority again.

Do I see that correctly? Is there any progress for the Smart # vehicles, @Katya_ABRP?

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ABRP V5.0.7 (2993)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.6.1

Yesterday I was totally surprised that the OBD worked for me for about 90 minutes, until I got out with the smartphone and got back in after a short break, then it was vinegar again.

In my opinion, all OBD values are displayed correctly, except for the location, which is empty.

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If‘ve just uploaded a bug report through the ABRP app. Dated July 30th, 19:46.

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If you disconnect Bluetooth on your phone and then reconnect you will get a new reading.

If you do this once in a while it will more or less stay updated. Not what it should be of course but better than nothing at all


Tony Dau

This is very hard and dangerous to do while driving, simply to force a refresh of SOC for ABRP...
And stopping on the side of the road just to do this is not good either.
it also means I lose android auto (wireless) and music when doing that... not great indeed...
One of the paying feature that I am interested in is the recording of my trips, charges and real time calculation of my consumption for adaptive route plan... none of that can work if you need to force a read manually (BT on/off).



Just use as an addition the Hello # App which also feeds ABRP Webserver with live data.



@Tony Dau
When the phone is on the wireless charger you can easily disconnect and reconnect Bluetooth (at least on an iPhone that I use). The connection is only lost for a few seconds.

But as I told it’s not ideal of course



For that you need to keep the hello # app open. That drains the battery of the phone



To avoid this just use the cable connection and not WiFi ;-)



Status changed to: User Feedback



Hi Tony,

This might not be rooted in issues specific to Smart vehicles. We've had some more general issues with;

1. OBD connection itself
2. Slow plan refresh causing the OBD connection to be dropped

We are working on remediating both issues.

As TomTomZoe mentions the implementation and OBD commands for Smart vehicles is also still in the works; abrp.upvoty.com/b/obd-requests/implement-ble-live-data-for-smart-1/

If you have reported this issue to us previously without feedback, please feel free to link it here.


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Tony Dau

Perfect, thanks. Indeed, I am also on the ODB request thread, but you haven't replied on that one for a while; hence, I created this bug report.
I am glad this is not an isolated issue to smart as this must affect quite a large number of your premium members. Hopeful for a fix soon.
Thanks once again for working on this. Don't hesitate if you need screenshots, etc.
When the connection is stable, the reading and recording seem fine, so the commands seem OK... when looking at ABRP messages on the live data screen... I hardly see any "reading" event. Only one when resetting the link (BT on/off) after reconnecting, which correctly updates the SoC etc.
Increasing the frequency of reading commands in your app may keep the connection alive ???

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It also bothers me that you sometimes don't get any feedback for weeks.

ABRP should at least let you know that they are working on solving the problem, maybe even let you know how far along they are, or when you can expect a solution.

But this way you call into the forest and get no response for weeks. That's frustrating.

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We really try to focus our resources on resolving issues rather than adding new features. Working out the connection for Smart vehicles will have to wait if users are experiencing general issues with navigation etc.

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It would be very helpful for the users to communicate this to them in the corresponding threads.
Thank you very much.




Hi Katya_ABRP, just wondering, whether there was any progress. It's already been some time since your last update, however, we are still waiting for a remediation and any update on the current status would be highly appreciated.

Best, Piotr


Tony Dau

Also, why can in link another ODB when I already have one linked??? Surely it should be either link or unlinked but not both at the same time? Does ABRP not recognised the ODB dongle as fully linked already?
In the Edit Connection of the Live Data Menu, both options are shown. Bug?



Hi, not a bug, it is simply possible to link several devices.

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ABRP can use BLE and API connection at the same time.

BLE connection to an OBD Dongle delivers the most data of your car. API data is always restricted to some main values.



This happens also with the Vgate vLinker MC+ and Vgate iCar Pro 4.0 BLE, it's not specific to the ODBlink CX dongle, but a general problem of the implementation of OBD for the Smart #1 and #3.

You come from

As a work around for the moment I'm using the "Hello #" App for iOS: apps.apple.com/de/app/hello/id6476509809
You can use the "SMore#" App for Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.more.hashtag
Both support a API connection to ABRP where not only the SOC is transfered to ABRP.

ABRP supports both a API connection to that apps and also a direct OBD BLE connection at the same time.

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Tony Dau

Thanks. Hopefully they will fix the ODB live data soon.
How do you connect ABRP to Smore# ? I can't see anywhere to put the API key?

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I'm only using Hello # for iOS, I don't have any Android Smartphone. You may get an answer to your question here:

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Christian G

to be fair, they also said:

This might not be rooted in issues specific to Smart vehicles. We've had some more general issues with;

1. OBD connection itself
2. Slow plan refresh causing the OBD connection to be dropped

We are working on remediating both issues.

I'm with Katya on that one. She's saying they are trying for fix a global bug impacting all OBD for all brands of vehicle. You can't expect a solution on Smart alone.

Maybe I should not have returned both VGate OBD2 to amazon after all.

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Tony Dau

Agreed. I don't want a fix specific to the smart, I simply want the ODBlink to work asap as this is the feature that make me go premium and pay the subscription. If this unstable ODB connection impacts other cars too, they should certainly put this at the highest priority since a "paid for" feature doesn't work for many of their premium customers...

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