App hangs / Se cuelga


Driving on the highway with the GPS activated to a destination, it continues marking a speed that it has been stuck at, the same autonomy and the most serious thing is that I have reached my highway exit and the GPS tells me that I still have 19km to go, because it is an exit that I already know if it does not mess things up too much for me, in other words, this is a very serious problem and it has not been a problem with my connection or anything like that, they have a paid GPS that does not work and I am very disappointed, right now I am giving it 1 star.


Circulando por autovía con el GPS activado a un destino, sigue marcado luna velocidad que se a quedado pillado, la misma autonomía y lo más grave es que he llegado a mi salida de la autopista y el GPS me dice que todavía me faltan 19km, porque es una salida que ya conozco si no me la lía muy gorda osea esto es un problema muy grave y no ha sido problema de mi conexión ni nada de eso, tienen un GPS de pago que no funciona y estoy muy decepcionado, ahora mismo le pongo 1 estrella.


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Status changed to: User Feedback




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