TomTomZoe |
iOS ABRP V4.4.3
iPhone Pro 12 iOS 16.5
iPad mini 5 iPadOS 16.5
We have two saved cars. One Opel Ampera-e and one Opel Corsa-e.
Again and again one of the two cars is assigned the car model of the other, so that there are then two identical cars. In this case the Corsa-e then becomes also an Ampera-e! See screenshot #1.
In screenshot #2 I‘ve corrected the car model of our Corsa-e back to Opel Corsa-e.
It also seems that the Consumption of the Corsa-e with BLE connection is then used to change the reference consumption of the Ampera-e with Torque Pro connection.
My suspicion comes from the fact that the reference consumption of the Ampera-e has suddenly increased significantly, although nothing has changed in the Ampera-e's environmental conditions.
The Corsa-e basically has a higher reference consumption than the Ampera-e, and I suspect in this error case its consumption now changes the reference consumption of the Ampera-E to way higher values.
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Panagiotis Malakoudis
I have experienced similar problem when trying out scenarios from different models of same manufacturer. My saved car is VW ID.3 with heatpump. It has happened to me at least twice that my saved car changed to ID.5 when I test run ABRP with ID.5 and the same happened recently with ID.7 as well and version 5.0.1. I think there is a bug when cars of same manufacturer are selected. I never save the test car. I could open a differenct bug if needed, but I think it is related since in this report both cars are Opel and for me it happened when tried different VW cars.
We acknowledge the problem which is fixed in ABRP 5.0.2 (in Google/Apple review now)
Status changed to: Done
ABRP V4.7.2 (2570)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.2.1
Issue is fixed.
Here are the screenshots for the reoccurring problem with v4.6.1 (2434)
ABRP v4.6.1 (2434)
With the new build this issue appeared again!
My Opel Ampera-e suddenly was a Opel Corsa-e like our other car. :-(
ABRP v4.4.3 (2280)
It seems that the mismatch occurs when using different iOS devices one after the other that are all linked to the same account.
Today it was exactly the other way around: ABRP turned itself our two different vehicles into two Corsa-e. See screenshot.
For this reason, the live connection of the Ampera-e no longer worked at this point.
See abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/last-live-data-connection-is-not-updated/
As soon as I reassigned the Ampera-e vehicle model to the saved Ampera-e, the live data connection worked again for this car.
When testing new ABRP versions, please pay more attention to using ABRP with two or more vehicles!
In the past there have been so many errors that only came to light when using two or more vehicles.
And if the ABRP App keeps assigning the wrong vehicle model, the well-recorded consumption data in the database will be unnecessarily worsened!
Status changed to: Investigate