Anıl Emre Çakmak |
When you change your speed of vehicle from 120 to 140 manually on app, there is no changes for stop time for charger or no changes for journey duration. It seems that speed doesn’t effect the range and charger stops number. It’s a bug.
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I looked at your latest saved plan and tried both 120 km/h and 140 km/h and it will give you different plans. Do you change the speed in the settings under Speed and Maximum speed?
Anıl Emre Çakmak
Hi, please don’t stuck yourself between 120km and 140km. I tried to give an example for changing case of speed. Please see the new example of 140km and 160km. Both are same results. It’s impossible.
Because of the traffic there will not be much change on the first part. Here is one picture with 120 km/h and one with 140km/h and you can see that is not the same numbers.
Status changed to: User Feedback
Can you please post a link to a plan where this happens, so that ABRP can have a look into it?
Hi Anıl
Have you clicked on the blue round button after changing the maximum speed to let ABRP recalculate the route?
Anıl Emre Çakmak
Yes I let the app recalculation.