Don't leave the route! | Route nicht verlassen!


I only want charging stations on the route. Maximum autohof but not driving around 10 km in the middle of nowhere at night to be thrown up at a defective charging station. Please add the charging station option to the route

Ich möchte nur ladesäulen auf der Route. Maximal autohof aber nicht 10 km in der Pampa rumfahren in der Nacht um an eine defekte ladesäule gekotzt zu werden. Bitte Option ladesäule auf der Route einpflegen


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Chargers in immediat distance to the route are preferred by default. Do you have a sample where this is not the case? In this case please share a plan.



No I don't have anymore. Defective chargers are not reported as defective. Too many charging stops are planned for my vehicle. On 420 km 5 loading stops although the option was selected few but longer. The app crashes frequently. You cannot interrupt the navigation and look for charging stations yourself. Information about the infrastructure at the Rastatt is desirable. Is there anything to eat? what kind of loader? as well as alternatives that can be operated via Android auto without stopping and looking in the phone.

Nein habe ich nicht mehr. Defekte Lader werden nicht als defekt gemeldet. Für mein Fahrzeug werden zu viele ladestops eingeplant. Auf 420 km 5 ladestops obwohl die Option angewählt wurde wenige aber länger. Die app stürzt häufig ab. Mann kann die Navigation nicht unterbrechen und nach ladesäulen selbst suchen. Wünschenswert sind Informationen über die Infrastruktur an der Rastatte. Gibt es was zu essen? was für ein Lader ? sowie alternativen die sich über Android auto bedienen lassen ohne anzuhalten und im Handy zu suchen.




If you think we added too many charging stops, it may be that the value for 'reference consumption' or 'charger arrival SoC' is set too high.

We have recently resolved issues that resulted in crashes, but you might have to uninstall and re-download the app.

We provide information about available services in close proximity to the charger itself when we receive such. You can find it by clicking the charger on the map in the app. Amenities info is then displayed below the charger information (type of charger(s), power, count).

If you, on the other hand, want all these features available in Android Auto we're sorry to inform you that we are quite limited in terms of how much information we may display in AA, due to restrictions set by Google.
