Reference consumption is the same for different vehicle configurations

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Bryan Logan

I have two configurations for my vehicle: one with snow tires and one with all season tires. I also have an ODB2 dongle. The reference consumption seems to be the same for both configurations, but I would expect it to be different. How does this work? Am I misunderstanding the feature?


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Hi Bryan
Before the reference consumption change you need to drive for a certain time. The more you drive the more accurate it will be as we get to know your car.


Bryan Logan

Thanks but that doesn't really answer my question. Is the reference consumption supposed to be different for each configuration?



Yes if it affects the car different.


Bryan Logan

How does it decide "if it affects the car different"? I would have expected it to keep the data for each configuration separate from each other. What is kept separate? When/how? Is there any documentation I can read?



Each configuration has it's own data but it could give the same reference consumption if it affects the car in the same way. If you have summer tire and winter tire it will be a difference but I don't know how your snow tire is different to your all around tire. When you have driven a while with the tires you will see how the reference consumption change.
We don't have any documentation for you to read.


Bryan Logan

Documentation would be really helpful.

The specific problem I'm seeing is that the two reference consumptions are changing at the same time. It's not simply that they happen to be the same value. The winter tire reference consumption was 185. I changed the tires, change the configuration, and both the winter tire reference consumption AND the all-season tire reference consumption changed to 165.


Bryan Logan

Oh I wonder if it's because both configurations are set to use "live data" for the reference consumption. I can turn it off on the configuration I'm not using and that might work.

If that is the case, it's a very surprising and unintuitive behaviour. I'd expect that "live data" only affects the active configuration, not all configurations.

Edit: no, this doesn't seem to be the case from what I can tell.

I should step back and rephrase my question: if I have to two different configurations with very different energy consumptions (for example one with a trailer and one without), will ABRP learn the differences and take that into account when planning a route? If so, how does it do that?



Yes. If you select the trailer configuration every time you drive with a trailer the app will learn from the driving. The app will see that you need to charge often, maybe you drive slower then usual etc. The reference consumption will not change right away since the app need a certain amount of data first. So the more you drive with the configuration the more accurate the reference consumption will be.