Reference consumption fails.

Michael Juhl Føns

I have now seen this error on both my Tesla Model S 85D from 2015 and on my Tesla Model Y LR from 2023.
If I test the cars over a long flat distance with no wind at constant speed 110km/h I can get the precise reference consumption. If I request ABRP to get the reference consumption from the cars driving data it change a lot depending on how fast I drive. If I drive fast for a longer distance it goes up (a lot) and if I drives slower for a longer distance it goes down. ABRP should be able to calculate the precise reference consumption independently of how I drive. I have now turned it of and I put in the data manually - that is the only it works now. I am willing to let you look into my driving data. Regards Michael


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We cannot find your ABRP account based on your name here, could you please send an email to contact@iternio.com and tell us the email you use for ABRP login?



Thank you, we will investigate!


Michael Juhl Føns




Thank you. Your assumption is correct, the ref cons should not change once stable as your drive, no matter if you drive fast or slow or in cold or warm weather, but in practice the model is never perfectly compensating for e.g. weather.
Your current ref cons for the MY seems OK, a bit on the high side, but unfortunately we cannot see much history from your vehicle has your have "Save my drives" set to OFF - which means we anonymize all activities after at most 48 hours. Would it be possible for you to enable this so that we can make a longer term evaluation on your cars going forward?