Previously planned trips should be easier to retreive from UI

tnx Galaxy

previously planned trips should be easier to retreive from UI
I have been struggling reloading trips I have previously planned, I googled it and noticed that other users have struggled with the same thing. It's one of the reasons users are moving to other tools so you should consider improving this seriously. Best of luck, overall your planner is great!

Also the recent plan button does not make a clear sense to me, why would the plans have to be recent?
load or retreive plan would make more sense I think


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tnx Galaxy

Hi, thank you for your prompt answer
I mostly use it from a computer for planning (and will use the phone to drive)
I suggest at the top left, where you have save plan and share plan, you should also have load plan button
it's very strange to me that you have to clear the current plan first in order to load another one



Status changed to: User Feedback




Both your saved plans and the most recent plans are available to retrieve from the home screen.

How would you prefer the UI?
