OBD Connection Failing

ahcrappycrap Blackwell

Connects but does not get car status


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Hi, I just checked you logs and we get a timeout on the first command we send.
I saw that already when the dongle was not ready for pairing. Could you please go to Androids Bluetooth settings and remove any pairing that you can see for the OBDLink CX? Next unplug the dongle from the car and wait a few seconds before plugin it back in. Try to link the car in ABRP again. While doing so Android should show some request for pairing the dongle and the phone. Confirm that and proceed, it should connect fine then. If you can not see the pairing request check the status bar by pulling it down, sometimes the request is only visible by a notification in there.
In case it is not working again hit the bug button and let me know.


ahcrappycrap Blackwell

Hi - Is there anything else I can do to try and get this to work?


ahcrappycrap Blackwell

Good morning
Thank you for the quick responses.
I tried and it is still not connecting. Still getting in the ABRP app, the ability to select the OBDLink CX in the chosen your dongle.
The ABRP app tells me that the loading configuration and BLE connection is successful but still failing with the car connection status.
I have tried clearing cache and also uninstalling and reinstalling ABRP.
This dongle was working fine with ABRP in my previous car, Skoda Enyaq iv60 but now trying to connect it to new Skoda Enyaq Coupe 85.


ahcrappycrap Blackwell

I use an OBDLink CX with latest firmware.
The checks in ABRP app say it is passing loading car configuration and BLE Connection status but fails on car connection status.



We made a codepush yesterday so if you refresh the app/kill the app it should work now.


ahcrappycrap Blackwell

Hi Linda - Please see above. Still cannot get this working for some reason.



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Which OBD do you use? Is it a BLE OBD? Does the OBD have the latest firmware?