Not connecting on AA headunit

clayton dcruz

I just bought the very expensive Oblink CX for $130 Aust dollars and just been charged 55 Euros for another 12 months of premium membership, I thought it was a problem with my Veepeak that was working flawless for a long time. Using the OBLink CX BLE still does not work !
ABRP connects to my phone fine and shows the battery percentage then i connect to my AA headunit and it woks, if i go out to another app within AA and back to ABRP on the headunit then the battery status shows redbars with a line across it. Car is Hyundai Ioniq 28


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clayton dcruz

ok my better quality obd2 dongle cord arrived today and plugged it in, ABRP came up immediately with the battery status on the headunit, will take it for a long drive in the next week and report back, but looks encouraging.

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clayton dcruz

ok my better quality obd2 dongle cord arrived today and plugged it in, ABRP came up immediately with the battery status on the headunit, will take it for a long drive in the next week and report back, but looks encouraging.


clayton dcruz

still not working, tried it today, get the RED symbol on my head unit with incorrect % display, any updates on this?


clayton dcruz

ok so it looks like my obd2 splitter one of the splitter leads is not taking in power, it could be this as if I plug the obd2 CX into the other splitter lead it shows the green light on the CX obd2 and ABRP seems to be working, need to go for a long drive to make sure the obd2 splitter was the culprit.



Status changed to: User Feedback



We did issue a hotfix for this issue and will release ABRP 5.0.5 this week to resolve this issue properly. Did the hotfix change anything for you?


clayton dcruz

Haven't had a chance to try it yet, will try it in the next few days.


clayton dcruz

still not working, tried it today, get the RED symbol on my head unit with incorrect % display, any updates on this?


clayton dcruz

ok so I pressed the bug and it said uploaded to server, where did the bug report go ?



So if I understand you correctly, the OBD connection will be disconnected when you go out of ABRP and then back again.
Could you please enable "Show bug report button" in settings and then press the bug button in Android Auto (on the map) once you experience the problem? Please tell us when you have done this and we can have a look at the internals.



Status changed to: Investigate