No scrollbars in Windows

Dimas Caparros

In my Windows (Chrome and Firefox) there is no scroll bars in any window, so you can not scroll down.
In chrome, you can click in the window and use the cursor keys up/down, but in firefox this does not work.


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Hi Dimas,

Do you mean for scrolling in the list of waypoints for a plan, in the settings menu or a different place? (Or all mentioned?)

You should be able to simply scroll by hovering the area and scroll with your mouse or mouse pad. Does this not work for you?



Dimas Caparros

No scroll bar in any window. At work I have no mouse but a pen (drawing tablet) with no wheel, so I can not scroll. There used to be (a tiny) one, but was removed in 5.x



Hi Dimas,

I'm not able to replicate this behavior. What kind of browser and version thereof are you using currently?



Dimas Caparros

Not any special thing. Just windows 10 and 11, and Firefox and Chrome. Do you have scroll bars in the abrp windows? I have not them in the left (trip) windows or the right (setting) windows. I have them until 5.0. I can scroll with the mouse wheel, but on my work computer, without a mouse, I can not click in the scroll bar, add it is non existent. In chrome I can scroll if I click on the window and press up / down cursor keys. I tested it yesterday, and the pen board I have had scroll keys and they work in Firefox. But as I said, it is the missing scroll bar in the windows. Not sure if it is a bug or a feature of the new 5 version.