No ferry from Rotterdam to Hull in Uk

Dietrich Krebs

Even if I direct start in Rotterdam with destination Hull in Uk, it does not offer me the ferry. Configuration: Ferries are not prevented, Nothing else prevented.


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Hi Dietrich,

Many times, ferries are not included in the alternative route options since most of them would produce a much slower route compared to the fastest one.

Please check this faq section on how to add a ferry route manually: www.iternio.com/faq?questionId=678b66f9-b776-43ae-aba4-9d4ae0b9d65a&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d



Dietrich Krebs

The method to add a ferry works. The “Here wego” Navigator shows the ferry with the selection of the shortest connection. it would be good to have in ABRP Not only the fastest connection in time, but alternatively to have the option to choose the shortest way.
By the way, the ferry is also the shortest in time, It drives me and my car while I sleep 😉