Henning Schwartz |
I was driving today the opposite route of the bug reported here: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-bug/why-does-abrp-suggest-a-charging-stop/
Again, the shortest route was interrupted by an unneccessary charging stop. At a certain point ABRP suggested to leave the charging stop out and take the direct route home. But then the estimated time of arrival seemed to be off. At the end I had a negative time left till my destination on the phone. But the estimated time in the display of my car was about right. That should have been including some charging at home (for what ever reason only one percent). A bit strange.
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Youri Le Cottier
Hello there,
I'll pop into this discussion, since it seems to be the main thread for this negative duration bug.
It happened to me too, twice, for the same route, so it might be reproductible. Route: abetterrouteplanner.com/?plan_uuid=55ee17c6-77a8-405f-91ee-d413f3da3af4
Basically: the planner estimates an impossibly short time remaining (screenshot 1). When that gets to zero, it continues into the negative (screenshot 2).
Henning Schwartz
Same situation yesterday. I had a short travel, so no charging involved. But I had added a waypoint. After reaching that waypoint, I had the same discrepancy. I have the option activated, that there is a charging point at the destination.
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Hey Henning, to further understand what has happened, is this correct? As you drove you accepted a faster route that did not include the not needed charger? After you did this the time on CarPlay and the phone started to differ by 25 min (as shown in pictures?). From what you wrote I understood it as the arrival time on CarPlay aka around 13.00 is the correct one and not the time around 12.30, is this right?
Henning Schwartz
Hey Matthias,
that's correct, we did arrive at the time predicted on the car display. Only that I use Android Auto, I don't know if that makes a difference.
Henning Schwartz
Today I had an estimated arrival time on the Android Auto Display that in the end was correct. But on the telephone itself it was 20 minutes to early, which resulted in a negative time again. I did not change anything during navigation. I created a bug report at 23:39.
The destination I used is a saved one with the option charger at this location activated.
Henning Schwartz
Still the same. Negative time of travel. Happend yesterday. I did a bug report at 04.07.2024, 17:39
Hey Henning, when you experience this issue, is it for the rest of the drive, or is it resolved after some minutes of driving?
Henning Schwartz
Hi Mattias,
sorry for the late reply. I got no information about your reply.
It is for the rest of the drive.