These blue cheap looking mostly Chinese fake elm327 often cause problems, as you never know if it is genuine or a fake elm327 chip inside. Some just don't respect the elm327 commands that are set at all
Please use one of the recommended dongles, or check with google which other dongles were recommended in forum to work with ABRP. We don't have the capacity to support every dongle that is out there, so please check if one of the dongles on our list is available in your country. In Europe the MacLean MCE200 is available on Amazon and quite cheap too for example. Once you tested one of the recommended dongles and it still does not work, please let us know.
Hervé Garreau
Thank you.IWill buy another dongle and I can feedback
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Hi, which dongles do you use? You can find more info about the recommended dongles here:
Hervé Garreau
It's an elm327 mini
These blue cheap looking mostly Chinese fake elm327 often cause problems, as you never know if it is genuine or a fake elm327 chip inside. Some just don't respect the elm327 commands that are set at all
Please use one of the recommended dongles, or check with google which other dongles were recommended in forum to work with ABRP. We don't have the capacity to support every dongle that is out there, so please check if one of the dongles on our list is available in your country. In Europe the MacLean MCE200 is available on Amazon and quite cheap too for example. Once you tested one of the recommended dongles and it still does not work, please let us know.
Hervé Garreau
Thank you.IWill buy another dongle and I can feedback