I have tried multiple times to link my Tesla MY using the new Tesla API but it constantly shows the Tesla status as Registering.
2024-01-24 -
Newest / Oldest
I am also having troubles with the new API linking. My car ('23 TM3LR) stopped sending data over the legacy API on 04FEB24, so I unlinked that today (05FEB24) and linked the new API. It appeared to be a successful authorisation, however the car is awake and ABRP is not showing new data yet.
Which live data methods did you try attempting to link? Currently we offer both the new Tesla API connection as well as the legacy Tesla API connection.
I tried using the new Tesla API. I was previously connected using legacy which was working fine. I specifically unlinked to use the new API and it hasn’t worked since.
Same here, using either legacy or new API in my '23 X. My '16 X has no issues using the legacy, but I'm afraid to log out since that car needs the accuracy of ABRP much more than the new one.
I haven't tried logging out of it as it needs the accuracy of ABRP most on long trips (since it consumes more energy as an older car and generally has less energy available). Of course, in order to try the new API on it, I would need to log out of/unlink my account with Tesla on that car. Maybe your engineers could allow users to try authenticating using a different API, and if it's successful, switch to the new successful one? I'd be willing to try it then.
Ultimately, this feels like an issue in the authentication process, specifically at the tail end. I'm able to successfully authenticate over OAuth 2 (v3 of Tesla's process according to their URL), selecting to allow access to "Vehicle Information" and then "Apply" but it seems like after OAuth 2 follows the callback, ABRP drops the token that gets sent back somehow (a silent error is geting thrown on the backend maybe?). Tesla shows that I granted access, but ABRP is showing that I am still registering. I just tried verifying that I could sign out of Tesla on Tessie and sign back in, and had no problem with their implementation of Tesla's authentication system and new API. Hope this information helps.
Thank you for the information! One more question - when you attempt to link your new car via the new API - do you get to select that car in the linking process, or do we just go straight to the "linked" state where it has the 'registering' status?
I just go straight to the linked state; no option to select a car. In order to even link Tesla, I have to select the car I want on ABRP's screens, go to live data and then start the process. Tesla doesn't have me choose a car; I think they just give you limited access to all of the vehicles in my account. Tessie is the same way—I don't choose a car, I just authenticate, Tesla sends back an authorization token, and then I see all (both) vehicles on my account.
I don't know if it's relevant, but I can't even unlink the new car except from Tesla's end by revoking access.
Hi Katya, any new development on this front? I'm still having trouble with both APIs on my new '23 Model X. Is there any more information we can provide? Are the engineers able to replicate our issue?
Which live data method did you select when attempting to link? Currently we offer both the new Tesla API connection as well as the legacy Tesla API connection.
Activity Newest / Oldest
I am also having troubles with the new API linking. My car ('23 TM3LR) stopped sending data over the legacy API on 04FEB24, so I unlinked that today (05FEB24) and linked the new API. It appeared to be a successful authorisation, however the car is awake and ABRP is not showing new data yet.
This issue is resolved for me, the connection had been made on 19FEB24 and has remained active. Great work!
Status changed to: Investigate
Hi Robert,
Which live data methods did you try attempting to link? Currently we offer both the new Tesla API connection as well as the legacy Tesla API connection.
Robert Fonti
I tried using the new Tesla API. I was previously connected using legacy which was working fine. I specifically unlinked to use the new API and it hasn’t worked since.
Colby Hill
Same here, using either legacy or new API in my '23 X. My '16 X has no issues using the legacy, but I'm afraid to log out since that car needs the accuracy of ABRP much more than the new one.
Hi Colby,
That's peculiar. Have you tried using the new API with the '16 X or have you refrained from doing so due to the need to log out?
Colby Hill
I haven't tried logging out of it as it needs the accuracy of ABRP most on long trips (since it consumes more energy as an older car and generally has less energy available). Of course, in order to try the new API on it, I would need to log out of/unlink my account with Tesla on that car. Maybe your engineers could allow users to try authenticating using a different API, and if it's successful, switch to the new successful one? I'd be willing to try it then.
Ultimately, this feels like an issue in the authentication process, specifically at the tail end. I'm able to successfully authenticate over OAuth 2 (v3 of Tesla's process according to their URL), selecting to allow access to "Vehicle Information" and then "Apply" but it seems like after OAuth 2 follows the callback, ABRP drops the token that gets sent back somehow (a silent error is geting thrown on the backend maybe?). Tesla shows that I granted access, but ABRP is showing that I am still registering. I just tried verifying that I could sign out of Tesla on Tessie and sign back in, and had no problem with their implementation of Tesla's authentication system and new API. Hope this information helps.
Hi Colby,
Thank you for the information! One more question - when you attempt to link your new car via the new API - do you get to select that car in the linking process, or do we just go straight to the "linked" state where it has the 'registering' status?
Colby Hill
I just go straight to the linked state; no option to select a car. In order to even link Tesla, I have to select the car I want on ABRP's screens, go to live data and then start the process. Tesla doesn't have me choose a car; I think they just give you limited access to all of the vehicles in my account. Tessie is the same way—I don't choose a car, I just authenticate, Tesla sends back an authorization token, and then I see all (both) vehicles on my account.
I don't know if it's relevant, but I can't even unlink the new car except from Tesla's end by revoking access.
Colby Hill
Hi Katya, any new development on this front? I'm still having trouble with both APIs on my new '23 Model X. Is there any more information we can provide? Are the engineers able to replicate our issue?
Jean-Philippe Jobidon
Same problem since a few months here.
Hi Jean-philippe,
Which live data method did you select when attempting to link? Currently we offer both the new Tesla API connection as well as the legacy Tesla API connection.
Jean-Philippe Jobidon
I tried both and none of them work. It open Tesla website, I log on and then the page disappear and go back to the ABRP page saying registering