KIA Soul EV 2018 30kwh battery damage read wrong | KIA Soul EV 2018 30kwh Batteriedegadation falsch ausgelesen

Ralph G.

The battery degradation is read incorrectly on the KIA Soul. This means that no navigation with automatic settings is possible. By entering the degradation manually, ABRP can calculate the route. But as soon as I use Apple CarPlay, it immediately switches to automatic reading. As a result, ABRP cannot calculate the route. Before the update it was ok.


Die Batteriedegradation wird beim KIA Soul falsch ausgelesen. Dadurch ist keine Navigation mit automatischer Einstellung möglich. Durch die manuelle Eingabe der Degradion ist es möglich das ABRP die Route berechnet. Sobald ich aber Apple CarPlay nutze wird sofort einfach auf automatisches auslesen umgestellt. Das hat zur Folge das ABRP die Route nicht kalkulieren kann. Vor dem Update war das noch okay.


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Daniel Bofinger

The SOH reading of the Soul EV 2018 is different to the 2015 Models. Only SoulSpy is capable of reading the correct SOH. I am using OVMS and it reports SOH 60%.
Since release 4.3.5 I could live with this. But now the automatic settings of SOH and reference consumption is always activated, witch is annoying.
My automatic reference consumption is way too high. I am working wit 185 in winter and 175 in summertime.



Thank you for reporting, we will solve this issue in the 4.3.6 release.



Status changed to: In progress


Ralph G.

The App SoulSpy can read the correct Degradation Out of the Soul EV 2018 30kwh. Maybe they can Help? If necessary, i can Support you by Testing it on my Car



Status changed to: Investigate