Intermittent connectivity to Tronity service brings SOC back to start of trip

Olaf Birkeland

I'm currently driving in rather rural conditions, where cell phone coverage is bad. That makes the live data that ABRP get from Tronity (only option for my car) sometime not respond. If I start a trip with e.g. 80% SOC and estimated arrival at 20% - then loose cell phone coverage - and regain that at e.g. 50% SOC, Tronity will report that the battery is back at the start value (i.e. 80%), not the 50% that ABRP had estimated as I drove along.

Tronity/car does not update the SOC while driving, thus only the SOC estimate from ABRP is available when driving (red bars). But wen reconnecting after a dropout period, ABRP somehow interprets the old data as current, making a very misleading estimate if I will reach my goal or not.


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Olaf Birkeland

I see you just closed this, but now I've had a repro of the original issue when driving through a tunnel. That caused ABRP estimated SOC jump back to the known value from the start of the trip (thus too high). I'm unsure if it was lack of GPS or cell phone coverage that messed it up.



OK, thanks - we will check this again!



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We are trying to make sure the new data we get from Tronity is correct and updated before using it, but it seems to fail here. Does Tronity also show the wrong SoC in these cases?


Olaf Birkeland

Tronity shows the last known SoC (from the start of the trip), as Audi (at least for it's own app) does not get any updates from the car while driving. ABRP should do some filtering preventing massive bumps in SoC (more than regen can provide) when in motion.

As a workaround I disconnected Tronity, but then the last known SoC from Tronity kept overriding ABRP continuously, even if I did my best to set the start SoC manually. Is using ABRP *after* disconnecting live data a well-tested scenario? A better workaround would maybe have been to create a separate twin offline car and use that one when driving in badly connected areas (where ABRP planning is needed the most!)



We have updated the disconnected live data behavior in the app for ABRP 4.5.0 coming out this week. Let us know if it solves the problem for you!


Olaf Birkeland

I did try out 4.5.0 today, although in far better conditions for cell phone coverage. I did not have any resets of SOC estimate when being on the same route.

I although did a replan of one of the legs, after driving from 61% to 25% (actual) - 23% estimated by ABRP. The replan then still started with 61% (jump from previous ABRP estimate of 23%), despite vehicle being in motion.



We're on that one too!