Info on exit sign is not correct

Arie Roeling

The exit sign in CarPlay says exit to A27 this is not correct this must be Breda and Bavel.


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Status changed to: User Feedback



ABRP relies on OpenStreetMap for this information, and you can help out by fixing these issues over there. Just create an account and use the built-in editor at OpenStreetMap.org to add the correct information. It is a little tricky to understand the tagging, but there is a wiki with docs and you can check other examples to see how it is done.
In ABRP you can click a route on a plan and select "Edit in OSM" to get directly to the right location.


Arie Roeling

Hi Katya,
I made some changes there but they were all changes back by other users. So I will not report any bugs anymore regarding incorrect signs. At the moment I’m looking at another app which is not based on open streetmap



Hi Arie,

That was Bo getting back to you, but I can reply too.

OSM edits can take a moment to process and reach ABRP, or did you get notified by OSM that a different user had reverted your change? Else, roughly when did you make the edits?

If the edits were correct according to their documentation then they shouldn't be reverted.

We could also make edits (and we do) but generally the risk with us doing these edits is that we actually haven't been at the locations.

Let me know if you can recall the approximate time for the edits and we'll take it from there.



Arie Roeling

Hi Katya,
I’m going to get myself familiarized in OSM so I can make small changes myself. With which interval is OSM interfaced to the app or is it directly visible after the change.



Status changed to: Investigate